Thursday, 24 March 2011

Really really really really really really really 爱爱爱爱爱爱爱 笨笨!!

my world's empty without u!

Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Christmas at batam!

Whoo! my first Christmas out of Singapore to batam! :o glad that we safely reaching batam and back to sing. there was a capsize of ship at Malaysia and Indonesia. but im not involve in any of them. thank god.:)

I would say the trip was abit boring due to money constraint and the fashion there. nthg much to shop and buy. all i could buy was food and food and food. massage was very shiok but it was a new experience. got massage, body scrub, jacuzzi, and some burning of my ass. haha.

Hotel was good i should say. but slping wasnt in peace only after my ear piece was in my ears. one side snore. one side breathing so loud. and it was warm when the sun is out.

Afterall, this trip was awesome.:)

Here's some photos found on fb.
When we first reached the hotel room, 1120!

Out in the supermart.

Just check out from the hotel!

my world's empty without u!

Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Happy 1st 2 to me!


IM 20 LOH!!!

cant believe im this old liao.

my world's empty without u!

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Another 10k

Another 10k run this morning. Weather was real hot. Manage to run more this time round. I think I walked for only 1k+/2k only. Great job! :) saw xinni and bee teng along the way while running. Saw Sarah, wan chin, azree, Joyce & some other familiar faces too. Feeling just so tired now. Din have enough slp and had a bad flu yesterday when working. Hai. I think mayb is the cold weather yesterday morning that cos me to have flu. Hai. Tmr still got to work but I like. Hehe. Got money and got food and got fun and ... :D LOVES working!!! Woohoo! Can't wait to go work always.

my world's empty without u!

Sunday, 14 November 2010


Woohoo! earn abt $300 in 5 days.:) MONEY MONEY MONEY!!!

Went for Yew Tee Pri4 SHSF from wed to fri. it was quite horrible but at the end of the day, im satisfied.:) finally i mirror hazmi (once thot he was good looking but now not as much as before le but still handsome la :p). hehe. but i think i very bad. he doing most of the job when we were tgt. im so sorry cos i cant get their attention. i think i need a whistle for future camps.

As for yest and today was banquet. last night's dinner, first time serve halal food. felt so lost but relax. and my partner was like anyhow sia. everythg he also dun care. ask him serve he just put and go. is like wad the hell lol. hai. as for today, it's wedding show. see models wearing beautiful wedding gowns made me so feel like wearing them too. oh. the high tea buffet chicken damn nice. haha. i ate 2 of it. hehe. yummy.

my world's empty without u!

Monday, 8 November 2010

I wan a doggy! but i scared once i have it i will have no time for him/her. how how? when will i have a company too? i feel so lonely. no bao bao.:( i missed bao bao. JEALOUS!!!

my world's empty without u!

Saturday, 6 November 2010

failed birthday celebration

Supposed to be celebrating shuling's 19th. but it ended up the main lead is not around. and the atmosphere was just so weird in the end. there was only me, sonia and enqi at her hse. is like we both dunno wad to talk to her and stuff.

All thanks to a sudden fainting of sl's bf's mum. haiz...

my world's empty without u!

Sunday, 31 October 2010

Great Eastern women 10k 2010

Another 10k this morning! this morning before race started they played this song, 'oh tonight it's gonna be a good night...'. i was like i just started with my day and u are talking about the night liao. time flies man. timing wise, was slightly faster than nike last week. the route seems shorter than nike as we ran part the same route twice. as for nike every route is a new fresh one. i think great eastern no money to block road so that's why they repeated the road. haha. oh but i hate the ending point. it was at the padang open field. is like so wet and muddy la.cant they just end at the floating platform just like nike. it's so much nicer. the atmosphere was fabulous lol as compared to padang.

Hmmm, tues is the last paper liao. cant wait for it to be over den i cna work work work and work. earn $$$ for travelling. mayb christmas going batam. nxt yr mayb taiwan, australia and korea. dunno how much i have to earn sia. i dun think i can make it to go so many places nxt yr. :p but i wanna go! :(

Ok, time for dinner. next post will post after run photos. for to wait for MISS ONA to upload them on FB as it was taken with her cam.

my world's empty without u!

Sunday, 24 October 2010

10k nike city race

I'm back to join nike race again this year.:) but it's called city race and not human race anymore.:) also it's Singapore vs KL!

Met yl, izzy and ona at Promenade station at 7.05am. supposed to be there at 6.45am but i think i set wrong alarm and only woke up at 6.15am. haha. so sorry girls to keep ur waiting at the station for me and also missed the first flag off. but lucky we decided on going for the first flag off and not the second if not we might be late too.:)

Anw, this 10k wasnt very tough despite having no trainings at all. i still took the same amount of time as in sr to run will run. i took abt 1hr 38mins to finish the race! 3-cheer and 3-cheer for JIAWEN, hip hip, whooray! hip hip, whooray!

Oh, there's another 10 more k to go nxt weekend. it's great eastern woman run. JIAYOU ona and jiawen!

Some pics for the race just now.

Girl Power!
Before race.

After race.

my world's empty without u!

Thursday, 14 October 2010

13.5hrs of work

Had a 13.5hrs of work at Furama City Centre banquet. Supposed to work 7am to 7pm de. But dunno why they din let me go so I decided to just stay as I wanna eat the buffet food.:) got honey chicken wing, cucumber, fruit tarts, fruits, cream and chocolate cream puffs. Whoo! Yummy. but I dunno why eat liao my stomach was super bloated till this afternoon. Was feeling so uncomfortable. Shitted le still feel uncomfortable but now I think ok le bah.

This morning woke up late on purpose cos lazy to go school for enrolment. By the time I reached school they were still quening for our turn. Shouldn't have gone. Should just ask them to help me do. Haha. But nvm. My purpose of going school was to print and bind my stuff. So came back after I was done with my thgs. Den guess wad? I slept the whole afternoon. Super shook so long nv like that le. Haha. Was supposed to work 7am to 7 pm again today but too bad got enrolment so can't. Good that I din work. If not I won't have slept for the whole afternoon.

Hmmm. This month seems to earn quite abut. Good good. Will continue doing this after 2nd nov which is last day of exam!:)

Tmr is sentosa day! Volleyball suntan whoohooo.:)

Sat will be collecting race packages and steamboat dinner at bugis.)

Sun will be tution.

my world's empty without u!

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Mid Autumn Festival

It's mid autumn festival!!!


Mooncakes, lanterns, full moon, sparkles, candles and etc...

Why we nv celebrate? wanna play lantern. my pokemon lantern. haha.:D

my world's empty without u!

It's been hell since you last left me -
Hey, show some love, you aint so tough
Come fill my little world right up, right up


*28 dec 1990
*an ex-odacian
*an outdoor coach
*a business management student.


*笨笨! and it's only 笨笨!
*red roses.
*vivo's roof (@night).




*red swatch watch.
*red polaroid camera.
*birthday chalet.
*someone that really love me.
*pretty and red havanas.
*pretty red canon camera.
*red whistle.
*go thailand, genting, hong kong and taiwan.
*naraya bag.
*e71 phone.
*pretty and sweet wallet.
*pretty red lappy
replaced by macbook pro.
*twilight series


*everyone's love care and concern


da dong.
felicia chin.
hwee yee(ang).
lin qiang.
20th odacians.
21st odacians.
22nd odacians.
pei qi(deiyi).
ting ting.
tuan jiaw.
wan ru.
wu zun.
ya lun.
yuan lin.



October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
March 2011


'[20 jun]_mervin, jun qiang and dennis(ak)'s big day.
'[19 jun]_kai vern and yongyi's big day.
'[12 jun]_bock leng's big day.
'[7 jun]_zaid's big day.
'[6 jun]_jervis' big day.
'[5 jun]_timothy chew's big day.

'[31 may]_szu hui's big day.
'[29 may]_branson's big day.
'[28 may]_sheena's big day.
'[24 may]_deng yao's big day.
'[23 may]_nicholas soon's big day.
'[16 may]_angeline's big day.
'[12 may]_alwin's big day.
'[10 may]_hoi hin's big day.
'[11 may]_gwen's big day.
'[2 may]_yue xing(ak) and zi xiang's big day.
'[1 may]_labour day.

'[28 apr]_jacky ong(ak).
'[20 apr]_rina's big day.
'[7 apr]_jo-pu and clement(sr)'s big day.
'[5 apr]_wanru's big day.
'[3 apr]_augustus' big day.
'[2 apr]_ms liu lijun's big day.
'[1 apr]_april fool day.

'[22 mar]_herman's big day.
'[16 mar]_eric's and truddy's big day.
'[15 mar]_how chuen's big day.
'[14 mar]_vincent's big day.
'[8 mar]_elgin's big day.
'[7 mar]_nian deng's big day.

'[28 feb]_guo xiang's big day.
'[25 feb]_yee ning's big day.
'[23 feb]_natalie's big day.
'[21 feb]_jocelyn's big day.
'[20 feb]_sheng gan's big day.
'[17 feb]_stephanie's, kang jie's & alexander's big day.
'[15 feb]_denzil's big day.
'[14 feb]_valentine day.
'[11 feb]_nicholas tay's & ruo shi's big day.
'[9 feb]_dawn's & xin hui's big day.
'[5 feb]_chiu mun's big day.
'[4 feb]_2nd day of chinese new year 初二.
'[3 feb]_1st day of chinese new year 初一.

'[28 jan]_♥mabel's & tuan jiaw's big day.
'[23 jan]_wai fun's big day.
'[22 jan]_kah boon's big day.
'[19 jan]_wei xiang's big day.
'[18 jan]_ching kheng's big day.
'[16 jan]_jung yi's big day.
'[11 jan]_isaac's big day.
'[10 jan]_sherwin's big day.
'[7 jan]_♥standly's big day.
'[1 jan]_constance and ophelia's big day.
'[1 jan]_new year day.

'[31 dec]_joel(sr)'s big day.
'[29 dec]_wei ling's big day.
'[28 dec]_my and shamsiah's big day.
'[25 dec]_merrry christmas.
[21 dec]_zi rong's big day.
'[20 dec]_diliang's big day.
'[16 dec]_chun wei and adele's big day.
'[15 dec]_darren(qtss) and nurisham's big day.
'[14 dec]_raymond(ak)'s big day.
'[13 dec]_yuan lin's big day.
'[11 dec]_lloyd's big day.
'[8 dec]_wei kang's big day.
'[7 dec]_dorcas' big day.
'[3 dec]_aaron's big day.

[29 nov]_shi qi's big day.
'[28 nov]_xiao gui's big day.
'[23 nov]_cythnia's big day.
'[20 nov]_kenneth teo's big day.
'[17 nov]_nigel tan(qtss)'s big day.
'[14 nov]_yijun's big day.
'[7 nov]_darren(sr)'s big day.
'[6 nov]_manpreet's big day.
'[5 nov]_ying xuan & ber's mum's big day.
'[4 nov]_mami's big day.
'[2 nov]_end of exams.

'[31 oct]_jin hao's big day & halloween & great eastern women 10k run 2010.
'[28 oct]_amelia's big day.
'[25 oct]_start of exams.
'[24 oct]_nike city race 2010.
'[18 oct]_shuling's big day.
'[13 oct]_wai kit's big day.
'[10 oct]_wu zhun's big day.
'[9 oct]_wan jun and nurul(ak)'s big day.
'[8 oct]_boon yen and fukie's big day.
'[7 oct]_mdm jess wong's big day.
'[6 oct]_ting ting's big day.
'[3 oct]_valerie's big day.
'[1 oct]_children's day.

'[26 sep]_su jun's big day.
'[25 sep]_brandon's big day.
'[23 sep]_jane's big day.
'[22 sep]_mid autumn festival.
'[21 sep]_enqi's big day.
'[20 sep]_glen's big day.
'[9 sep]_lin qiang's big day.
'[6 sep]_jin yuan's big day.
'[2 sep]_timothy han's big day.
'[1 sep]_teachers'day.

'[30 dec]_terry's big day.
'[26 aug]_mun yee's big day.
'[25 aug]_kellina's big day.
'[18 aug]_jiajia's big day.
'[14 aug]_ching yong and wei zhen's big day.
'[13 aug]_xinni's big day.
'[9 aug]_singapore's big day.
'[4 aug]_damian and daryl's big day.
'[2 aug]_ona's big day.
'[1 aug]_amanda's big day.

'[31 jul]_danny's big day.
'[30 jul]_jun hao, mong kheng and xiao zhu's big day.
'[25 jul]_victoria's big day.
'[18 jul]_hui shan's big day.
'[14 jul]_BTT.
'[12 jul]_timothy wan's big day.
'[9 jul]_wendy's big day.
'[6 jul]_nicole's big day.
'[5 jul]_youth day.
'[4 jul]_wan chin's big day.
'[3 jul]_sophia's big day.
'[2 jul]_susu's big day.
'[1 jul]_school starts.

'[20 jun]_mervin, jun qiang and dennis(ak)'s big day.
'[19 jun]_kai vern and yongyi's big day.
'[12 jun]_bock leng's big day.
'[7-8 jun]_woodlands ring pri6 day program.
'[7 jun]_zaid's big day.
'[6 jun]_jervis' big day.
'[5 jun]_timothy chew's big day.

'[31 may]_szu hui's big day.
'[30 may]_edwin(ak)'s big day.
'[29 may]_branson's big day.
'[28 may]_vesak day.
'[28 may]_sheena's big day.
'[25-27 may]_east spring sec2 YOG.
'[24 may]_deng yao's big day.
'[23 may]_2010 national vertical marathon.
'[23 may]_nicholas soon's big day.
'[16 may]_angeline's big day.
'[12 may]_alwin's big day.
'[10 may]_hoi hin's big day.
'[11 may]_mothers' day and gwen's big day.
'[5 may]_BTT.
'[2 may]_yue xing(ak) and zi xiang's big day.
'[1 may]_SAT.
'[1 may]_labour day.

'[28 apr]_jacky ong(ak).
'[22 apr]_bedok town booster.
'[20 apr]_rina's big day.
'[13-17 apr]_coaches nomadic.
'[8 apr]_deyi booster.
'[7 apr]_damai booster.
'[7 apr]_jo-pu and clement(sr)'s big day.
'[5 apr]_wanru's big day.
'[3 apr]_augustus' big day.
'[2 apr]_ms liu lijun's big day.
'[2 apr]_good friday.
'[1 apr]_april fool day.

'[24-26 mar]_bedok town sec3 nomadic (tanjung sutera).
'[22 mar]_herman's big day.
'[16 mar]_eric's and truddy's big day.
'[15 mar]_how chuen's big day.
'[14 mar]_vincent's big day.
'[10-12 mar]_damai sec3 LIVE OP.
'[8 mar]_elgin's big day.
'[7 mar]_nian deng's big day.
'[3-5 mar]_deyi sec3 LIVE OP.

'[28 feb]_guo xiang's big day.
'[25 feb]_yee ning's big day.
'[24-26 feb]_east spring pri5 YOG.
'[23 feb]_natalie's big day.
'[21 feb]_jocelyn's big day.
'[20 feb]_sheng gan's big day.
'[17 feb]_stephanie's, kang jie's & alexander's big day.
'[15 feb]_denzil's big day.
'[15 feb]_2nd day of chinese new year 初二.
'[14 feb]_1st day of chinese new year 初一.
'[14 feb]_valentine day.
'[11 feb]_nicholas tay's & ruo shi's big day.
'[9 feb]_dawn's & xin hui's big day.
'[5 feb]_chiu mun's big day.
'[3-5 feb]_junyuan pri5 SHSF.

'[28-29 jan]_junyuan pri6 day programme.
'[28 jan]_♥mabel's & tuan jiaw's big day.
'[23 jan]_wai fun's big day.
'[22 jan]_kah boon's big day.
'[20-27 jan]_bangkok.
'[19 jan]_wei xiang's big day.
'[18 jan]_ching kheng's big day.
'[16 jan]_jung yi's big day.
'[13-15 jan]_bowen sec3 LIVE OP.
'[11 jan]_isaac's big day.
'[10 jan]_sherwin's big day.
'[6-8 jan]_boon lay sec1 OUTERSPACE.
'[5 jan]_jurong west sec1 OUTERSPACE.
'[1 jan]_new year.

'[31 dec]_joel(sr)'s big day.
'[29 dec]_wei ling's big day.
'[28 dec]_my big day.
'[25 dec]_merrry christmas.
'[21 dec]_zi rong's big day.
'[20 dec]_diliang's big day.
'[16 dec]_chun wei and adele's big day.
'[15 dec]_darren(qtss)'s big day.
'[14 dec]_raymond(ak)'s big day.
'[13 dec]_yuan lin's big day.
'[11-13 dec]_odac chalet.
'[11 dec]_lloyd's big day.
'[8 dec]_wei kang's big day.
'[7 dec]_dorcas' big day.
'[6 dec]_standard chartered marathon.
'[5 dec]_malacca trip.
'[3 dec]_aaron's big day.

'[30 nov]_end of As.
'[29 nov]_shi qi's big day.
'[28 nov]_xiao gui's big day.
'[23 nov]_cythnia's big day.
'[20 nov]_kenneth teo's big day.
'[17 nov]_nigel tan(qtss)'s big day.
'[14 nov]_yijun's big day.
'[10 nov]_start of As.
'[7 nov]_darren(sr)'s big day.
'[6 nov]_manpreet's big day.
'[5 nov]_ying xuan & ber's mum's big day.
'[4 nov]_mami's big day.

'[31 oct]_jin hao's big day.
'[28 oct]_amelia's big day.
'[23 oct]_grad day.
'[13 oct]_wai kit's big day.
'[10 oct]_wu zhun's big day.
'[9 oct]_wan jun and nurul(ak)'s big day.
'[8 oct]_boon yen and fukie's big day.
'[7 oct]_mdm jess wong's big day.
'[6 oct]_ting ting's big day.
'[3 oct]_valerie's big day.
'[3 oct]_mooncake festival.
'[1 oct]_children's day.

'[26 sep]_su jun's big day.
'[23 sep]_jane's big day.
'[20 sep]_glen's big day.
'[9 sep]_lin qiang's big day.
'[6 sep]_jin yuan's big day.
'[2 sep]_timothy han's big day.
'[1 sep]_teachers'day.

'[30 dec]_terry's big day.
'[28 aug]_end of prelims.
'[26 aug]_mun yee's big day.
'[25 aug]_kellina's big day.
'[18 aug]_jiajia's big day.
'[17 aug]_start of prelims.
'[14 aug]_ching yong and wei zhen's big day.
'[13 aug]_xinni's big day.
'[9 aug]_singapore's big day.
'[7 aug]_sr thanks giving + national day celebration.
'[4 aug]_damian and daryl's big day.
'[2 aug]_ona's big day.
'[1 aug]_amanda's big day.
'[1 aug]_SR will run.

'[31 jul]_danny's big day.
'[30 jul]_jun hao, mong kheng and xiao zhu's big day.
'[25 jul]_victoria's big day.
'[18 jul]_hui shan's big day.
'[17 jul]_suresh jack's big day.
'[12 jul]_timothy wan's big day.
'[9 jul]_wendy's big day.
'[6 jul]_nicole's big day.
'[5 jul]_youth day.
'[4 jul]_SR college day.
'[4 jul]_wan chin's big day.
'[2 jul]_susu's big day.

'[20 jun]_mervin, jun qiang and dennis(ak)'s big day.
'[20 jun]_kai vern and yongyi's big day.
'[12 jun]_bock leng's big day.
'[6 jun]_jervis's big day.
'[5 jun]_timothy chew's big day.

'[31 may]_szu hui's big day.
'[30 may]_edwin(ak)'s big day.
'[29 may]_branson's big day.
'[28 may]_end of mye.
'[28 may]_sheena's big day.
'[24 may]_deng yao's big day.
'[23 may]_nicholas soon's big day.
'[18 may]_start of mye.
'[18 may]_a year had past.
'[10 may]_mothers' day and gwen's big day.
'[9 may]_vesak day.
'[1 may]_labour day.

'[24 apr]_sr olympics.
'[20 apr]_rina's big day.
'[15 apr]_sham's big day.
'[10 apr]_good friday.
'[7 apr]_jo-pu and clement(sr)'s big day.
'[3 apr]_augustus' big day.
'[2 apr]_ms liu lijun's big day.
'[1 apr]_april fool day.

'[23 mar]_school starts.
'[22 mar]_herman's big day.
'[16 mar]_eric's and truddy's big day.
'[15 mar]_how chuen's big day.
'[14 mar] vincent's big day.
'[9-11 mar]_LIVE OP camp with bedok south sec.
'[8 mar]_elgin's big day.
'[7 mar]_nian deng's big day.
'[6 mar]_release of A level results.

'[28 feb]_guo xiang's big day.
'[25 feb]_yee ning's big day.
'[23 feb]_natalie's big day.
'[21 feb]_jocelyn's big day.
'[20 feb]_sheng gan's big day.
'[17 feb]_stephanie's, kang jie's & alexander's big day.
'[15 feb]_denzil's big day.
'[14 feb]_valentine day.
'[11 feb]_nicholas tay's & ruo shi's big day.
'[9 feb]_dawn's & xin hui's big day.
'[8 feb]_National Vertical Marathon.
'[5 feb]_chiu mun's big day.
'[4-6 feb]_SUPER HERO SUPER FREN camp with woodlands ring pri

'[28 jan]_♥mabel's & tuan jiaw's big day.
'[27 jan]_2nd day of chinese new year 初二.
'[26 jan]_1st day of chinese new year 初一.
'[25 jan]_chinese new year eve.
'[23 jan]_wai fun's big day.
'[22 jan]_kah boon's big day.
'[19 jan]_wei xiang's big day.
'[18 jan]_ching kheng's big day.
'[16 jan]_jung yi's big day.
'[13-16 jan]_LIVE OP camp with shuqunites.
'[11 jan]_♥isaac's big day.
'[10 jan]_sherwin's big day.
'[9 jan]_enlistment day for iz,aaron,...
'[1 jan]_new year.


LAYOUT; headoverheels {c}
IMAGE; deviantART
BRUSHES; pootato
IMAGE HOST; photobucket
PHOTOSHOP; adobe photoshop 7.0