Wednesday, 31 December 2008

cutey.:D found in my phone gallery.

my world's empty without u!


my world's empty without u!

more presents.

shirt from susu.

letter from jane.

send out this 6 pages long sms to ... but wad i received was there's nothing to hide but i wan some like i dun think im not giving u freedom.u are really having more than enough freedom lol.we are tgt for like 7 half months liao.and the no. of time that we went out tgt is more than enough to use ur fingers to count.dun even need to use ur toes.and now u are still not gonna msg me.i shall just wait and see wad u gonna do.i think i dun wanna say wad mama said.i shall wait till tonight.

went watch yes man yest.i think is funny lol but still felt sleepy when watching.haha.i think cos of wad happen the night after that went shopping.bought insides from og.another top from only $15.50 after all the cheap.haha.wanted to buy a pants but din in the end.

these few days go out jiu buy clothes.very shuang need to pay money.haha.all 大姨 pay.thanky arh.hehe.

need to faster get a job liao.slacking for too long le.just heard about a job.$6.50 per hour.if overtime pay is $9 per cpf just opp 大姨's very near for me also.

there are still more presents that i haven from best fren,mama,good fren.haha.(:

my world's empty without u!

Monday, 29 December 2008


my world's empty without u!

gift from hk.

it's from my dear dear.i also dunno wad izzit trip gift?christmas?b'day?

my world's empty without u!

how i spent my big day.

yest was a wonderful day.
thanky to my dearest mama and two best frens kel and waifun.

here's how my big day went along:

i slept at 4am cos was rushing to finish up wad i promised to give mama back something that i owe her on my b'day.but she forget i actually said so.haha.

so wake up at 1030am to touch up the last bit of it and meet mama at ps at usual i was late but still not the latest.haha.jane was the when i reached i just went up straight to daiso to get a box to put the thing for mama.i ask mama to decide wad to eat and den later i go down and find her.but while i was quening to pay,she came and tapped my shoulder.wah this was a shock.haha.

since jane still haven reached and she miss her train,so we decided to eat at mos and wait for her.den mama sang a song for me and i blow the cake that she bought.anyway our movie starts at we were late.haha.the funny part is the theatre very dark liao.den our seats were inside we have to squeeze while squezing in we both step on ppl's feet.haha.mama still heard the person said ouch.haha.we watched australia.
movie ended.jane say hungry so we ate aston.finally not crowded.finish eating we went catch our next movie-bedtime stories.

movie we walked back to ps.den went buy cake and that song wei suddenly called me and ask me where im.den i was shocked and he said he's at minds cafe.i was shocked and dunno how to ans him.den i look at mama she like wan laugh dun wan laugh like that.den i know something gonna we both went down to clark quay and jane went home.
when we reached i was shocked to see so many ppl.and there's like no link la.i mean the ppl that they asked to come like being link till very far jeremy tan, raied, alex, ching yong , kang jie, nigel,how chuen, song wei, nicholas, kel and wai fun.

so we eat and play for 2 hours and we left off to central to cut cake cos we forgot about the cake.haha.(:

after that some said hungry so we walked down to chinatown to find food but there;s nothing left so they settle down at kfc.after eating mama went off first cos she scared later no more last only leave with me, fun, darren, nigel, ching yong, kang we waited for mun, jun hao, bock leng and sherwin to we went up to the bridge and sit down to chat.gossip about ppl.haha.and i found out quite alot.haha.

so they finally arrived after like 30mins.cos they drive.den chat awhile and we left.wah din know bock leng got a bike cool la.haha.den sherwin's car is rent he sent me home and wai fun and also for kang ji, ching yong and nigel, they took bus cos while waiting their bus came.(:

so this is how i spent my big day.

thanky to everyone that wish me and also pres that ur gave me.also thanky for coming down to celebrate with me cos also long time no see liao.haha.


now's photo time.

make wish.

my cake.

blow cake.

we 3.

my special drink from minds's free.

another cake.

kang jie and darren.

lemon lime cake.

cut cake.

me and kel.

group photo.

gift from's a brown shawl from cotton on.

gift from mun, bock leng, jun hao, sherwin and sheng's shower gel from body shop.

a card from relative.

gift from's from australia.

gift from fun, darren, nigel, kang jie and ching yong.

my world's empty without u!

Sunday, 28 December 2008

my BIG day!


my world's empty without u!

Saturday, 27 December 2008


my cake.chocolate mint de leh.


fun shots.


my world's empty without u!

happy birthday papa

his cake.

sing song.

blow cake.

cut cake.

3 idiot faces.

my world's empty without u!

It's been hell since you last left me -
Hey, show some love, you aint so tough
Come fill my little world right up, right up


*28 dec 1990
*an ex-odacian
*an outdoor coach
*a business management student.


*笨笨! and it's only 笨笨!
*red roses.
*vivo's roof (@night).




*red swatch watch.
*red polaroid camera.
*birthday chalet.
*someone that really love me.
*pretty and red havanas.
*pretty red canon camera.
*red whistle.
*go thailand, genting, hong kong and taiwan.
*naraya bag.
*e71 phone.
*pretty and sweet wallet.
*pretty red lappy
replaced by macbook pro.
*twilight series


*everyone's love care and concern


da dong.
felicia chin.
hwee yee(ang).
lin qiang.
20th odacians.
21st odacians.
22nd odacians.
pei qi(deiyi).
ting ting.
tuan jiaw.
wan ru.
wu zun.
ya lun.
yuan lin.



October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
March 2011


'[20 jun]_mervin, jun qiang and dennis(ak)'s big day.
'[19 jun]_kai vern and yongyi's big day.
'[12 jun]_bock leng's big day.
'[7 jun]_zaid's big day.
'[6 jun]_jervis' big day.
'[5 jun]_timothy chew's big day.

'[31 may]_szu hui's big day.
'[29 may]_branson's big day.
'[28 may]_sheena's big day.
'[24 may]_deng yao's big day.
'[23 may]_nicholas soon's big day.
'[16 may]_angeline's big day.
'[12 may]_alwin's big day.
'[10 may]_hoi hin's big day.
'[11 may]_gwen's big day.
'[2 may]_yue xing(ak) and zi xiang's big day.
'[1 may]_labour day.

'[28 apr]_jacky ong(ak).
'[20 apr]_rina's big day.
'[7 apr]_jo-pu and clement(sr)'s big day.
'[5 apr]_wanru's big day.
'[3 apr]_augustus' big day.
'[2 apr]_ms liu lijun's big day.
'[1 apr]_april fool day.

'[22 mar]_herman's big day.
'[16 mar]_eric's and truddy's big day.
'[15 mar]_how chuen's big day.
'[14 mar]_vincent's big day.
'[8 mar]_elgin's big day.
'[7 mar]_nian deng's big day.

'[28 feb]_guo xiang's big day.
'[25 feb]_yee ning's big day.
'[23 feb]_natalie's big day.
'[21 feb]_jocelyn's big day.
'[20 feb]_sheng gan's big day.
'[17 feb]_stephanie's, kang jie's & alexander's big day.
'[15 feb]_denzil's big day.
'[14 feb]_valentine day.
'[11 feb]_nicholas tay's & ruo shi's big day.
'[9 feb]_dawn's & xin hui's big day.
'[5 feb]_chiu mun's big day.
'[4 feb]_2nd day of chinese new year 初二.
'[3 feb]_1st day of chinese new year 初一.

'[28 jan]_♥mabel's & tuan jiaw's big day.
'[23 jan]_wai fun's big day.
'[22 jan]_kah boon's big day.
'[19 jan]_wei xiang's big day.
'[18 jan]_ching kheng's big day.
'[16 jan]_jung yi's big day.
'[11 jan]_isaac's big day.
'[10 jan]_sherwin's big day.
'[7 jan]_♥standly's big day.
'[1 jan]_constance and ophelia's big day.
'[1 jan]_new year day.

'[31 dec]_joel(sr)'s big day.
'[29 dec]_wei ling's big day.
'[28 dec]_my and shamsiah's big day.
'[25 dec]_merrry christmas.
[21 dec]_zi rong's big day.
'[20 dec]_diliang's big day.
'[16 dec]_chun wei and adele's big day.
'[15 dec]_darren(qtss) and nurisham's big day.
'[14 dec]_raymond(ak)'s big day.
'[13 dec]_yuan lin's big day.
'[11 dec]_lloyd's big day.
'[8 dec]_wei kang's big day.
'[7 dec]_dorcas' big day.
'[3 dec]_aaron's big day.

[29 nov]_shi qi's big day.
'[28 nov]_xiao gui's big day.
'[23 nov]_cythnia's big day.
'[20 nov]_kenneth teo's big day.
'[17 nov]_nigel tan(qtss)'s big day.
'[14 nov]_yijun's big day.
'[7 nov]_darren(sr)'s big day.
'[6 nov]_manpreet's big day.
'[5 nov]_ying xuan & ber's mum's big day.
'[4 nov]_mami's big day.
'[2 nov]_end of exams.

'[31 oct]_jin hao's big day & halloween & great eastern women 10k run 2010.
'[28 oct]_amelia's big day.
'[25 oct]_start of exams.
'[24 oct]_nike city race 2010.
'[18 oct]_shuling's big day.
'[13 oct]_wai kit's big day.
'[10 oct]_wu zhun's big day.
'[9 oct]_wan jun and nurul(ak)'s big day.
'[8 oct]_boon yen and fukie's big day.
'[7 oct]_mdm jess wong's big day.
'[6 oct]_ting ting's big day.
'[3 oct]_valerie's big day.
'[1 oct]_children's day.

'[26 sep]_su jun's big day.
'[25 sep]_brandon's big day.
'[23 sep]_jane's big day.
'[22 sep]_mid autumn festival.
'[21 sep]_enqi's big day.
'[20 sep]_glen's big day.
'[9 sep]_lin qiang's big day.
'[6 sep]_jin yuan's big day.
'[2 sep]_timothy han's big day.
'[1 sep]_teachers'day.

'[30 dec]_terry's big day.
'[26 aug]_mun yee's big day.
'[25 aug]_kellina's big day.
'[18 aug]_jiajia's big day.
'[14 aug]_ching yong and wei zhen's big day.
'[13 aug]_xinni's big day.
'[9 aug]_singapore's big day.
'[4 aug]_damian and daryl's big day.
'[2 aug]_ona's big day.
'[1 aug]_amanda's big day.

'[31 jul]_danny's big day.
'[30 jul]_jun hao, mong kheng and xiao zhu's big day.
'[25 jul]_victoria's big day.
'[18 jul]_hui shan's big day.
'[14 jul]_BTT.
'[12 jul]_timothy wan's big day.
'[9 jul]_wendy's big day.
'[6 jul]_nicole's big day.
'[5 jul]_youth day.
'[4 jul]_wan chin's big day.
'[3 jul]_sophia's big day.
'[2 jul]_susu's big day.
'[1 jul]_school starts.

'[20 jun]_mervin, jun qiang and dennis(ak)'s big day.
'[19 jun]_kai vern and yongyi's big day.
'[12 jun]_bock leng's big day.
'[7-8 jun]_woodlands ring pri6 day program.
'[7 jun]_zaid's big day.
'[6 jun]_jervis' big day.
'[5 jun]_timothy chew's big day.

'[31 may]_szu hui's big day.
'[30 may]_edwin(ak)'s big day.
'[29 may]_branson's big day.
'[28 may]_vesak day.
'[28 may]_sheena's big day.
'[25-27 may]_east spring sec2 YOG.
'[24 may]_deng yao's big day.
'[23 may]_2010 national vertical marathon.
'[23 may]_nicholas soon's big day.
'[16 may]_angeline's big day.
'[12 may]_alwin's big day.
'[10 may]_hoi hin's big day.
'[11 may]_mothers' day and gwen's big day.
'[5 may]_BTT.
'[2 may]_yue xing(ak) and zi xiang's big day.
'[1 may]_SAT.
'[1 may]_labour day.

'[28 apr]_jacky ong(ak).
'[22 apr]_bedok town booster.
'[20 apr]_rina's big day.
'[13-17 apr]_coaches nomadic.
'[8 apr]_deyi booster.
'[7 apr]_damai booster.
'[7 apr]_jo-pu and clement(sr)'s big day.
'[5 apr]_wanru's big day.
'[3 apr]_augustus' big day.
'[2 apr]_ms liu lijun's big day.
'[2 apr]_good friday.
'[1 apr]_april fool day.

'[24-26 mar]_bedok town sec3 nomadic (tanjung sutera).
'[22 mar]_herman's big day.
'[16 mar]_eric's and truddy's big day.
'[15 mar]_how chuen's big day.
'[14 mar]_vincent's big day.
'[10-12 mar]_damai sec3 LIVE OP.
'[8 mar]_elgin's big day.
'[7 mar]_nian deng's big day.
'[3-5 mar]_deyi sec3 LIVE OP.

'[28 feb]_guo xiang's big day.
'[25 feb]_yee ning's big day.
'[24-26 feb]_east spring pri5 YOG.
'[23 feb]_natalie's big day.
'[21 feb]_jocelyn's big day.
'[20 feb]_sheng gan's big day.
'[17 feb]_stephanie's, kang jie's & alexander's big day.
'[15 feb]_denzil's big day.
'[15 feb]_2nd day of chinese new year 初二.
'[14 feb]_1st day of chinese new year 初一.
'[14 feb]_valentine day.
'[11 feb]_nicholas tay's & ruo shi's big day.
'[9 feb]_dawn's & xin hui's big day.
'[5 feb]_chiu mun's big day.
'[3-5 feb]_junyuan pri5 SHSF.

'[28-29 jan]_junyuan pri6 day programme.
'[28 jan]_♥mabel's & tuan jiaw's big day.
'[23 jan]_wai fun's big day.
'[22 jan]_kah boon's big day.
'[20-27 jan]_bangkok.
'[19 jan]_wei xiang's big day.
'[18 jan]_ching kheng's big day.
'[16 jan]_jung yi's big day.
'[13-15 jan]_bowen sec3 LIVE OP.
'[11 jan]_isaac's big day.
'[10 jan]_sherwin's big day.
'[6-8 jan]_boon lay sec1 OUTERSPACE.
'[5 jan]_jurong west sec1 OUTERSPACE.
'[1 jan]_new year.

'[31 dec]_joel(sr)'s big day.
'[29 dec]_wei ling's big day.
'[28 dec]_my big day.
'[25 dec]_merrry christmas.
'[21 dec]_zi rong's big day.
'[20 dec]_diliang's big day.
'[16 dec]_chun wei and adele's big day.
'[15 dec]_darren(qtss)'s big day.
'[14 dec]_raymond(ak)'s big day.
'[13 dec]_yuan lin's big day.
'[11-13 dec]_odac chalet.
'[11 dec]_lloyd's big day.
'[8 dec]_wei kang's big day.
'[7 dec]_dorcas' big day.
'[6 dec]_standard chartered marathon.
'[5 dec]_malacca trip.
'[3 dec]_aaron's big day.

'[30 nov]_end of As.
'[29 nov]_shi qi's big day.
'[28 nov]_xiao gui's big day.
'[23 nov]_cythnia's big day.
'[20 nov]_kenneth teo's big day.
'[17 nov]_nigel tan(qtss)'s big day.
'[14 nov]_yijun's big day.
'[10 nov]_start of As.
'[7 nov]_darren(sr)'s big day.
'[6 nov]_manpreet's big day.
'[5 nov]_ying xuan & ber's mum's big day.
'[4 nov]_mami's big day.

'[31 oct]_jin hao's big day.
'[28 oct]_amelia's big day.
'[23 oct]_grad day.
'[13 oct]_wai kit's big day.
'[10 oct]_wu zhun's big day.
'[9 oct]_wan jun and nurul(ak)'s big day.
'[8 oct]_boon yen and fukie's big day.
'[7 oct]_mdm jess wong's big day.
'[6 oct]_ting ting's big day.
'[3 oct]_valerie's big day.
'[3 oct]_mooncake festival.
'[1 oct]_children's day.

'[26 sep]_su jun's big day.
'[23 sep]_jane's big day.
'[20 sep]_glen's big day.
'[9 sep]_lin qiang's big day.
'[6 sep]_jin yuan's big day.
'[2 sep]_timothy han's big day.
'[1 sep]_teachers'day.

'[30 dec]_terry's big day.
'[28 aug]_end of prelims.
'[26 aug]_mun yee's big day.
'[25 aug]_kellina's big day.
'[18 aug]_jiajia's big day.
'[17 aug]_start of prelims.
'[14 aug]_ching yong and wei zhen's big day.
'[13 aug]_xinni's big day.
'[9 aug]_singapore's big day.
'[7 aug]_sr thanks giving + national day celebration.
'[4 aug]_damian and daryl's big day.
'[2 aug]_ona's big day.
'[1 aug]_amanda's big day.
'[1 aug]_SR will run.

'[31 jul]_danny's big day.
'[30 jul]_jun hao, mong kheng and xiao zhu's big day.
'[25 jul]_victoria's big day.
'[18 jul]_hui shan's big day.
'[17 jul]_suresh jack's big day.
'[12 jul]_timothy wan's big day.
'[9 jul]_wendy's big day.
'[6 jul]_nicole's big day.
'[5 jul]_youth day.
'[4 jul]_SR college day.
'[4 jul]_wan chin's big day.
'[2 jul]_susu's big day.

'[20 jun]_mervin, jun qiang and dennis(ak)'s big day.
'[20 jun]_kai vern and yongyi's big day.
'[12 jun]_bock leng's big day.
'[6 jun]_jervis's big day.
'[5 jun]_timothy chew's big day.

'[31 may]_szu hui's big day.
'[30 may]_edwin(ak)'s big day.
'[29 may]_branson's big day.
'[28 may]_end of mye.
'[28 may]_sheena's big day.
'[24 may]_deng yao's big day.
'[23 may]_nicholas soon's big day.
'[18 may]_start of mye.
'[18 may]_a year had past.
'[10 may]_mothers' day and gwen's big day.
'[9 may]_vesak day.
'[1 may]_labour day.

'[24 apr]_sr olympics.
'[20 apr]_rina's big day.
'[15 apr]_sham's big day.
'[10 apr]_good friday.
'[7 apr]_jo-pu and clement(sr)'s big day.
'[3 apr]_augustus' big day.
'[2 apr]_ms liu lijun's big day.
'[1 apr]_april fool day.

'[23 mar]_school starts.
'[22 mar]_herman's big day.
'[16 mar]_eric's and truddy's big day.
'[15 mar]_how chuen's big day.
'[14 mar] vincent's big day.
'[9-11 mar]_LIVE OP camp with bedok south sec.
'[8 mar]_elgin's big day.
'[7 mar]_nian deng's big day.
'[6 mar]_release of A level results.

'[28 feb]_guo xiang's big day.
'[25 feb]_yee ning's big day.
'[23 feb]_natalie's big day.
'[21 feb]_jocelyn's big day.
'[20 feb]_sheng gan's big day.
'[17 feb]_stephanie's, kang jie's & alexander's big day.
'[15 feb]_denzil's big day.
'[14 feb]_valentine day.
'[11 feb]_nicholas tay's & ruo shi's big day.
'[9 feb]_dawn's & xin hui's big day.
'[8 feb]_National Vertical Marathon.
'[5 feb]_chiu mun's big day.
'[4-6 feb]_SUPER HERO SUPER FREN camp with woodlands ring pri

'[28 jan]_♥mabel's & tuan jiaw's big day.
'[27 jan]_2nd day of chinese new year 初二.
'[26 jan]_1st day of chinese new year 初一.
'[25 jan]_chinese new year eve.
'[23 jan]_wai fun's big day.
'[22 jan]_kah boon's big day.
'[19 jan]_wei xiang's big day.
'[18 jan]_ching kheng's big day.
'[16 jan]_jung yi's big day.
'[13-16 jan]_LIVE OP camp with shuqunites.
'[11 jan]_♥isaac's big day.
'[10 jan]_sherwin's big day.
'[9 jan]_enlistment day for iz,aaron,...
'[1 jan]_new year.


LAYOUT; headoverheels {c}
IMAGE; deviantART
BRUSHES; pootato
IMAGE HOST; photobucket
PHOTOSHOP; adobe photoshop 7.0