Saturday, 29 March 2008

bishan park

yest went bishan park.act suppose to be blading de.but den no more i heard half of the bishan park rain cool la.haha.

before going still scolded but that fat ass la.bloody hell.i broke down.den just show him face the whole day.

everything ended he talk again.wanted to run away and got caught again.sian.wanna go play swing de lol.but lucky i played liao before that with wan chin.haha.den still saw cute cute came and smell smell cute la.

talk till the sky so dark liao still dun wanna let us go.lucky his wife called la.if not we no need go home liao yj, aaron, cw, branson, isaac, ruipeng, fukie, yl, mama and me all went amk hub pepper lunch for dinner.

eat eat talk talk till 10.den we kena caught go home time.all went different direction.i only one take train.walk with me go train cos need top up card.

reached home thot no one at home.but papa was asleep tired.go sleep.

my world's empty without u!

Tuesday, 25 March 2008

kampong glam

went bugis to meet some of them den went to this malay shop to eat and all the rest of them and the children are there liao.i sat beside a boy boy.they say he very naughty but i think he still ok a girl opp that is super bitchy.feel like slapping her lol.

so later went to walk around kampong glam.jeremy's mama was the tour guide.

after everything end went bugis street shop shop awhile den go hoime liao.everyone was tired.

my world's empty without u!

Saturday, 22 March 2008

east coast park

went east coast park for blading with the j1 and some j2.haha.i went late den never blade in the end.haha.

i was like an hour they play play play.i slack slack slack.den night bbq i also slack.ppl cook i kop.haha.

aaron very poor thing keep kena bully by me.haha.i keep blackmailing him.but so fun.den me him and isaac keep go him them play drink.haha.den aaron pay money cos both of us no money din bring wallet along.

so den later three of us went of together.went to park mall.aaron buy drink and isaac went look for his me and aaron went of after that.

i walk two bus stops home sia.haha.tired tired and my in my dreams le.

the whole day the three of us just stick together.haha.funny sia.

my world's empty without u!

Friday, 21 March 2008


my world's empty without u!

Saturday, 15 March 2008

ODAC outing at sentosa

suppose to meet at 10.but they called mabel and she din pick up so they thot it was already went down to wait for bus liao lol.den he call call call den finally confirmed that still going

so everyone rushed out and meet at vivo.when everyone reached is already 12+ 1 we took the monorail in lol.

we went to silso beach.not alot of ppl we play play fun la.but poor mama and yl kena drag into the water when i went toilet.they siao one la.anyhow pull.i see liao also pain lol.and mama arh.hai.zhao gen super alot of times lol.we play the horse fight fun.first time play sia.

den dunno 3+ 4 cw den like dunno he come for more sun liao den he liao kena drag into the water.haha.denhe only got one shirt and it's wet.

see the pics bah.lazy to type le.cannot post pics again.sian.

my world's empty without u!

Friday, 14 March 2008

Rule #1

after lesson went ps watch rule #1 with yj, aaron, isaac and mama.(:haha.mama so funny.hide beside me she say she still felt so insecure.

finishing watching went pasta to eat dinner.den after that go home.

so waited and we play play play.stupid third bus came and i boarded finally.

my world's empty without u!

Thursday, 13 March 2008

ODAC sea ex

Reached on time.papa fetched basically most of us late.dy the latest.he woke up late.den board the bus and went to the aar for the primary school cip on the cannot write de lol.the bus keep fun and laughter on the bus.and den we reached.

once get off the bus,it started to rain.den i go take dy's cap and wear.haha.(:so we have to walk in to the place.that stupid place so many mosquitoes la.lucky i never kena when we were waiting there.den slack slack around and they say we using two ppl kayak.sian lol.den we have to pair is with cw de den become our things properly den do scratching and stuff.(:

so later they started briefing and stuff and we go take our paddle and jacket.go in that room den kena mosquito bites la.itchy itchy.stupid mosquitoes.

so take kayak and everything and we went kayak.lazy say the details.

so after everything we went dinner and stuff and go home.

my world's empty without u!

Wednesday, 12 March 2008

The Eye

horror but i also not scared.haha.i was laughing laughing at the horror part.haha.

but the girl abit stupid arh.cannoat see izzit it good?can see she see so many dirty stuff lol.but she very brave la.(:

my world's empty without u!

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

ODAC CIP at pei ying primary school.(:

sleep at around 2am last night antd wake up at 5am in the morning.sian.tired sia.den mama go wake papa up and ask him fetch me go mrt.den papa thot it was 6 plus le but den when he see the time he realised is only 5 plus.den he started nagging.den he say if got meet-the-parent session tell him cos he wanna go scold the

so he send me to newton was super wulu there one de lol.sian.waited for the train.den reached khatib station in 20 mins if i never rem wrongly.den got out of the train just saw so orange ppl.haha.saw mama, aaron, yj and wc.den later saw dy and yl coming down from the escaltor.i think all of us were on the same train la.

so came out ms eng and jia hui was already there.they are super early lol.den isaac came and susu and waikit, cw and we went to pei ying pri once everyone was there.

have briefing and everything and the day starts.

my group was group 10 of me we start off with ice breaker usual we played the game can really see their true self immediately.(:

now the main event starts.our first station was aaron's staion-communication challenge.den waikit's station-minesweeper.den yj and mj's station-balloon caterpillar.lastly was isaac's station-cross the river.all this are teambuilding was 10am the makan cheer before eating.have bee hoon.super plain la.not nice den activity is their leadership course in the music room.they play games and den the counsellor told them a story about carrot, egg and coffe super anyhow link de was CIP.went outside the counselling room den the teacher talked to them and later they have to go clean up the classroom.i bought half of my group to classroom 3C.den went at 1220 went to classroom to met the other half of my group and they do their reflection there.

12.30 liao.time for lunch.have an hour for lunch den was group bring them to the classroom,take a few pics and i went to print them for the group poster with branson and rashid.

so once the pics are printed we do the poster and i als forgot about time.and din bring them down for their low element.haha.lucky branson calle dand also they came up to look for us.malu malu.but never.this station was super funny.haha.they were like making prata la.even the teacher were laughin lol.haha.but we won a prize for this the most supportive award.last activity was team sport in the that point in time i was to tired to even bother wad they are just sit there and help them finished up their poster while they played.

den was tea makan cheer this time just go take food and eat.when i go take and eat and den realised got hair in the bag.wanna go take another one but no more le.sian.

so next went up hall to do group reflection and finished up the poster.den was a representive from each group went up to present their group reflection and the for my group sembian the group leader went up.den everyone finished they give out the certification and time to go home.yeh.finally and time to go eat too.(:
so ms eng debrief and most of us went to amk to eat.

we eat fish and co.we split into two table.5 5 one got me,aaron,isaac,dy and yj.den the other was susu,yl,mama,cw and branson.i sit there they were super dirty lol.talking all the dirty jokes and may koh too.i laughed till stomach pain la.

so after that went home at 8 plus.took like an hour to reached home.

pics for the day.
my small boyfriend(rashid) for the day.haha.shuani not?

dunno why keep cant upload.shall do it another day.sorry.

my world's empty without u!

Sunday, 9 March 2008

mini odac outing

suppose to meet them at 12.30 at marine usual, im late.haha.sorry to keep ur waiting.but lucky im not the latest.

so went to find them at mac.den saw yj,yl,cw and branson there.sp when we walking to theatre to buy tickets i just turn around and saw mama,dy and aaron walking towards us.

so tickets time to settle lunch.we settle down at ljs after much comments from each of while eating waited for the chi dao king.came at only 1.40 like that.

so once he came, we went to the threatre liao.before that go toilet first.

step up 2 so nice la.three person watch liao all say the same thing.feel like dancing sia.haha.i was sitting between aaron and mama.den i keep laughing.den that aaron say i very noisy.but i dun care.haha.i think i laugh too loud liao.hehe.

so after movie went paradiz cos they wanna play pool.i play awhile only den go drive car.also play awhile den dun wanna play went back to the pool area and played psp.

den went ps for carl's jr.first time eat sia.and super duper full.some more got free flow drinks.but i din drink much.den mama left first cos she got the rest of us sit there and talk crap til 9 plus.they super dirty la.but still very funny.haha.but some jokes i just dun get it.

they guys all went to take and yl went yl bus came after some time.i waited for mine for super long la.sian.

saw all ppl today.especially sr ppl.first saw lin qiang with girlfriend when walking to buy ticket.den saw izzy friend in toilet.den saw hui yi outside toilet.went ps saw jian rong(amelia ex classmate),shawn(aaron's ex classmate),one chinese teacher(photography club's teacher).i think that all bah.yar.(:

anyway today first time see yl wear outside skirt.some more never tear her hair up.(:me wear skinnies.(:haha.all wear jeans or pants make yl stand out from us.and we all like going hei bai lu sian.haha.all most everyone wear black or white.

my world's empty without u!

Saturday, 8 March 2008

release of 2007 batch A level results. back my chinese result.i got a C.ok la.happy liao least got betta den smelly smelly who always got A de.but now dunno E or D.haha.(; so bad.but i dun care.haha.

got odac dry run for the games in primary school.den blah blah blah.lazy to say so much.den went dinner with branson cw and isaac at hougang lol they all.haha.den now at home.(:

now some stupid photos of dy during funny la.

my world's empty without u!

Thursday, 6 March 2008

pretty mama and daughter.(:

we love ODAC.20th batch.

my world's empty without u!

last battle le. jiayou. after tomolo can play and enjoy liao. many many things to do. movies. play. shopping. sentosa. sea ex. pri sch. etc etc.

my world's empty without u!

Sunday, 2 March 2008

National Vertical Marathon

finally it comes to an end.after training for so long.shall not elaborate.also got nothing much to say.some photos bah.

SR ODAC team love.(got one extra person behind.)

two gays from team love.

from left to right:me izzy nadia.

from left to right:izzy nadia yuanlin me.

my world's empty without u!

Saturday, 1 March 2008


so not in mood of doing how how.i did something wrong liao.die liao die liao die liao.

concentrate on ct first bah.shall resolve it after that.

waiting for the last day of the papers.i wanna play.

my world's empty without u!

It's been hell since you last left me -
Hey, show some love, you aint so tough
Come fill my little world right up, right up


*28 dec 1990
*an ex-odacian
*an outdoor coach
*a business management student.


*笨笨! and it's only 笨笨!
*red roses.
*vivo's roof (@night).




*red swatch watch.
*red polaroid camera.
*birthday chalet.
*someone that really love me.
*pretty and red havanas.
*pretty red canon camera.
*red whistle.
*go thailand, genting, hong kong and taiwan.
*naraya bag.
*e71 phone.
*pretty and sweet wallet.
*pretty red lappy
replaced by macbook pro.
*twilight series


*everyone's love care and concern


da dong.
felicia chin.
hwee yee(ang).
lin qiang.
20th odacians.
21st odacians.
22nd odacians.
pei qi(deiyi).
ting ting.
tuan jiaw.
wan ru.
wu zun.
ya lun.
yuan lin.



October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
March 2011


'[20 jun]_mervin, jun qiang and dennis(ak)'s big day.
'[19 jun]_kai vern and yongyi's big day.
'[12 jun]_bock leng's big day.
'[7 jun]_zaid's big day.
'[6 jun]_jervis' big day.
'[5 jun]_timothy chew's big day.

'[31 may]_szu hui's big day.
'[29 may]_branson's big day.
'[28 may]_sheena's big day.
'[24 may]_deng yao's big day.
'[23 may]_nicholas soon's big day.
'[16 may]_angeline's big day.
'[12 may]_alwin's big day.
'[10 may]_hoi hin's big day.
'[11 may]_gwen's big day.
'[2 may]_yue xing(ak) and zi xiang's big day.
'[1 may]_labour day.

'[28 apr]_jacky ong(ak).
'[20 apr]_rina's big day.
'[7 apr]_jo-pu and clement(sr)'s big day.
'[5 apr]_wanru's big day.
'[3 apr]_augustus' big day.
'[2 apr]_ms liu lijun's big day.
'[1 apr]_april fool day.

'[22 mar]_herman's big day.
'[16 mar]_eric's and truddy's big day.
'[15 mar]_how chuen's big day.
'[14 mar]_vincent's big day.
'[8 mar]_elgin's big day.
'[7 mar]_nian deng's big day.

'[28 feb]_guo xiang's big day.
'[25 feb]_yee ning's big day.
'[23 feb]_natalie's big day.
'[21 feb]_jocelyn's big day.
'[20 feb]_sheng gan's big day.
'[17 feb]_stephanie's, kang jie's & alexander's big day.
'[15 feb]_denzil's big day.
'[14 feb]_valentine day.
'[11 feb]_nicholas tay's & ruo shi's big day.
'[9 feb]_dawn's & xin hui's big day.
'[5 feb]_chiu mun's big day.
'[4 feb]_2nd day of chinese new year 初二.
'[3 feb]_1st day of chinese new year 初一.

'[28 jan]_♥mabel's & tuan jiaw's big day.
'[23 jan]_wai fun's big day.
'[22 jan]_kah boon's big day.
'[19 jan]_wei xiang's big day.
'[18 jan]_ching kheng's big day.
'[16 jan]_jung yi's big day.
'[11 jan]_isaac's big day.
'[10 jan]_sherwin's big day.
'[7 jan]_♥standly's big day.
'[1 jan]_constance and ophelia's big day.
'[1 jan]_new year day.

'[31 dec]_joel(sr)'s big day.
'[29 dec]_wei ling's big day.
'[28 dec]_my and shamsiah's big day.
'[25 dec]_merrry christmas.
[21 dec]_zi rong's big day.
'[20 dec]_diliang's big day.
'[16 dec]_chun wei and adele's big day.
'[15 dec]_darren(qtss) and nurisham's big day.
'[14 dec]_raymond(ak)'s big day.
'[13 dec]_yuan lin's big day.
'[11 dec]_lloyd's big day.
'[8 dec]_wei kang's big day.
'[7 dec]_dorcas' big day.
'[3 dec]_aaron's big day.

[29 nov]_shi qi's big day.
'[28 nov]_xiao gui's big day.
'[23 nov]_cythnia's big day.
'[20 nov]_kenneth teo's big day.
'[17 nov]_nigel tan(qtss)'s big day.
'[14 nov]_yijun's big day.
'[7 nov]_darren(sr)'s big day.
'[6 nov]_manpreet's big day.
'[5 nov]_ying xuan & ber's mum's big day.
'[4 nov]_mami's big day.
'[2 nov]_end of exams.

'[31 oct]_jin hao's big day & halloween & great eastern women 10k run 2010.
'[28 oct]_amelia's big day.
'[25 oct]_start of exams.
'[24 oct]_nike city race 2010.
'[18 oct]_shuling's big day.
'[13 oct]_wai kit's big day.
'[10 oct]_wu zhun's big day.
'[9 oct]_wan jun and nurul(ak)'s big day.
'[8 oct]_boon yen and fukie's big day.
'[7 oct]_mdm jess wong's big day.
'[6 oct]_ting ting's big day.
'[3 oct]_valerie's big day.
'[1 oct]_children's day.

'[26 sep]_su jun's big day.
'[25 sep]_brandon's big day.
'[23 sep]_jane's big day.
'[22 sep]_mid autumn festival.
'[21 sep]_enqi's big day.
'[20 sep]_glen's big day.
'[9 sep]_lin qiang's big day.
'[6 sep]_jin yuan's big day.
'[2 sep]_timothy han's big day.
'[1 sep]_teachers'day.

'[30 dec]_terry's big day.
'[26 aug]_mun yee's big day.
'[25 aug]_kellina's big day.
'[18 aug]_jiajia's big day.
'[14 aug]_ching yong and wei zhen's big day.
'[13 aug]_xinni's big day.
'[9 aug]_singapore's big day.
'[4 aug]_damian and daryl's big day.
'[2 aug]_ona's big day.
'[1 aug]_amanda's big day.

'[31 jul]_danny's big day.
'[30 jul]_jun hao, mong kheng and xiao zhu's big day.
'[25 jul]_victoria's big day.
'[18 jul]_hui shan's big day.
'[14 jul]_BTT.
'[12 jul]_timothy wan's big day.
'[9 jul]_wendy's big day.
'[6 jul]_nicole's big day.
'[5 jul]_youth day.
'[4 jul]_wan chin's big day.
'[3 jul]_sophia's big day.
'[2 jul]_susu's big day.
'[1 jul]_school starts.

'[20 jun]_mervin, jun qiang and dennis(ak)'s big day.
'[19 jun]_kai vern and yongyi's big day.
'[12 jun]_bock leng's big day.
'[7-8 jun]_woodlands ring pri6 day program.
'[7 jun]_zaid's big day.
'[6 jun]_jervis' big day.
'[5 jun]_timothy chew's big day.

'[31 may]_szu hui's big day.
'[30 may]_edwin(ak)'s big day.
'[29 may]_branson's big day.
'[28 may]_vesak day.
'[28 may]_sheena's big day.
'[25-27 may]_east spring sec2 YOG.
'[24 may]_deng yao's big day.
'[23 may]_2010 national vertical marathon.
'[23 may]_nicholas soon's big day.
'[16 may]_angeline's big day.
'[12 may]_alwin's big day.
'[10 may]_hoi hin's big day.
'[11 may]_mothers' day and gwen's big day.
'[5 may]_BTT.
'[2 may]_yue xing(ak) and zi xiang's big day.
'[1 may]_SAT.
'[1 may]_labour day.

'[28 apr]_jacky ong(ak).
'[22 apr]_bedok town booster.
'[20 apr]_rina's big day.
'[13-17 apr]_coaches nomadic.
'[8 apr]_deyi booster.
'[7 apr]_damai booster.
'[7 apr]_jo-pu and clement(sr)'s big day.
'[5 apr]_wanru's big day.
'[3 apr]_augustus' big day.
'[2 apr]_ms liu lijun's big day.
'[2 apr]_good friday.
'[1 apr]_april fool day.

'[24-26 mar]_bedok town sec3 nomadic (tanjung sutera).
'[22 mar]_herman's big day.
'[16 mar]_eric's and truddy's big day.
'[15 mar]_how chuen's big day.
'[14 mar]_vincent's big day.
'[10-12 mar]_damai sec3 LIVE OP.
'[8 mar]_elgin's big day.
'[7 mar]_nian deng's big day.
'[3-5 mar]_deyi sec3 LIVE OP.

'[28 feb]_guo xiang's big day.
'[25 feb]_yee ning's big day.
'[24-26 feb]_east spring pri5 YOG.
'[23 feb]_natalie's big day.
'[21 feb]_jocelyn's big day.
'[20 feb]_sheng gan's big day.
'[17 feb]_stephanie's, kang jie's & alexander's big day.
'[15 feb]_denzil's big day.
'[15 feb]_2nd day of chinese new year 初二.
'[14 feb]_1st day of chinese new year 初一.
'[14 feb]_valentine day.
'[11 feb]_nicholas tay's & ruo shi's big day.
'[9 feb]_dawn's & xin hui's big day.
'[5 feb]_chiu mun's big day.
'[3-5 feb]_junyuan pri5 SHSF.

'[28-29 jan]_junyuan pri6 day programme.
'[28 jan]_♥mabel's & tuan jiaw's big day.
'[23 jan]_wai fun's big day.
'[22 jan]_kah boon's big day.
'[20-27 jan]_bangkok.
'[19 jan]_wei xiang's big day.
'[18 jan]_ching kheng's big day.
'[16 jan]_jung yi's big day.
'[13-15 jan]_bowen sec3 LIVE OP.
'[11 jan]_isaac's big day.
'[10 jan]_sherwin's big day.
'[6-8 jan]_boon lay sec1 OUTERSPACE.
'[5 jan]_jurong west sec1 OUTERSPACE.
'[1 jan]_new year.

'[31 dec]_joel(sr)'s big day.
'[29 dec]_wei ling's big day.
'[28 dec]_my big day.
'[25 dec]_merrry christmas.
'[21 dec]_zi rong's big day.
'[20 dec]_diliang's big day.
'[16 dec]_chun wei and adele's big day.
'[15 dec]_darren(qtss)'s big day.
'[14 dec]_raymond(ak)'s big day.
'[13 dec]_yuan lin's big day.
'[11-13 dec]_odac chalet.
'[11 dec]_lloyd's big day.
'[8 dec]_wei kang's big day.
'[7 dec]_dorcas' big day.
'[6 dec]_standard chartered marathon.
'[5 dec]_malacca trip.
'[3 dec]_aaron's big day.

'[30 nov]_end of As.
'[29 nov]_shi qi's big day.
'[28 nov]_xiao gui's big day.
'[23 nov]_cythnia's big day.
'[20 nov]_kenneth teo's big day.
'[17 nov]_nigel tan(qtss)'s big day.
'[14 nov]_yijun's big day.
'[10 nov]_start of As.
'[7 nov]_darren(sr)'s big day.
'[6 nov]_manpreet's big day.
'[5 nov]_ying xuan & ber's mum's big day.
'[4 nov]_mami's big day.

'[31 oct]_jin hao's big day.
'[28 oct]_amelia's big day.
'[23 oct]_grad day.
'[13 oct]_wai kit's big day.
'[10 oct]_wu zhun's big day.
'[9 oct]_wan jun and nurul(ak)'s big day.
'[8 oct]_boon yen and fukie's big day.
'[7 oct]_mdm jess wong's big day.
'[6 oct]_ting ting's big day.
'[3 oct]_valerie's big day.
'[3 oct]_mooncake festival.
'[1 oct]_children's day.

'[26 sep]_su jun's big day.
'[23 sep]_jane's big day.
'[20 sep]_glen's big day.
'[9 sep]_lin qiang's big day.
'[6 sep]_jin yuan's big day.
'[2 sep]_timothy han's big day.
'[1 sep]_teachers'day.

'[30 dec]_terry's big day.
'[28 aug]_end of prelims.
'[26 aug]_mun yee's big day.
'[25 aug]_kellina's big day.
'[18 aug]_jiajia's big day.
'[17 aug]_start of prelims.
'[14 aug]_ching yong and wei zhen's big day.
'[13 aug]_xinni's big day.
'[9 aug]_singapore's big day.
'[7 aug]_sr thanks giving + national day celebration.
'[4 aug]_damian and daryl's big day.
'[2 aug]_ona's big day.
'[1 aug]_amanda's big day.
'[1 aug]_SR will run.

'[31 jul]_danny's big day.
'[30 jul]_jun hao, mong kheng and xiao zhu's big day.
'[25 jul]_victoria's big day.
'[18 jul]_hui shan's big day.
'[17 jul]_suresh jack's big day.
'[12 jul]_timothy wan's big day.
'[9 jul]_wendy's big day.
'[6 jul]_nicole's big day.
'[5 jul]_youth day.
'[4 jul]_SR college day.
'[4 jul]_wan chin's big day.
'[2 jul]_susu's big day.

'[20 jun]_mervin, jun qiang and dennis(ak)'s big day.
'[20 jun]_kai vern and yongyi's big day.
'[12 jun]_bock leng's big day.
'[6 jun]_jervis's big day.
'[5 jun]_timothy chew's big day.

'[31 may]_szu hui's big day.
'[30 may]_edwin(ak)'s big day.
'[29 may]_branson's big day.
'[28 may]_end of mye.
'[28 may]_sheena's big day.
'[24 may]_deng yao's big day.
'[23 may]_nicholas soon's big day.
'[18 may]_start of mye.
'[18 may]_a year had past.
'[10 may]_mothers' day and gwen's big day.
'[9 may]_vesak day.
'[1 may]_labour day.

'[24 apr]_sr olympics.
'[20 apr]_rina's big day.
'[15 apr]_sham's big day.
'[10 apr]_good friday.
'[7 apr]_jo-pu and clement(sr)'s big day.
'[3 apr]_augustus' big day.
'[2 apr]_ms liu lijun's big day.
'[1 apr]_april fool day.

'[23 mar]_school starts.
'[22 mar]_herman's big day.
'[16 mar]_eric's and truddy's big day.
'[15 mar]_how chuen's big day.
'[14 mar] vincent's big day.
'[9-11 mar]_LIVE OP camp with bedok south sec.
'[8 mar]_elgin's big day.
'[7 mar]_nian deng's big day.
'[6 mar]_release of A level results.

'[28 feb]_guo xiang's big day.
'[25 feb]_yee ning's big day.
'[23 feb]_natalie's big day.
'[21 feb]_jocelyn's big day.
'[20 feb]_sheng gan's big day.
'[17 feb]_stephanie's, kang jie's & alexander's big day.
'[15 feb]_denzil's big day.
'[14 feb]_valentine day.
'[11 feb]_nicholas tay's & ruo shi's big day.
'[9 feb]_dawn's & xin hui's big day.
'[8 feb]_National Vertical Marathon.
'[5 feb]_chiu mun's big day.
'[4-6 feb]_SUPER HERO SUPER FREN camp with woodlands ring pri

'[28 jan]_♥mabel's & tuan jiaw's big day.
'[27 jan]_2nd day of chinese new year 初二.
'[26 jan]_1st day of chinese new year 初一.
'[25 jan]_chinese new year eve.
'[23 jan]_wai fun's big day.
'[22 jan]_kah boon's big day.
'[19 jan]_wei xiang's big day.
'[18 jan]_ching kheng's big day.
'[16 jan]_jung yi's big day.
'[13-16 jan]_LIVE OP camp with shuqunites.
'[11 jan]_♥isaac's big day.
'[10 jan]_sherwin's big day.
'[9 jan]_enlistment day for iz,aaron,...
'[1 jan]_new year.


LAYOUT; headoverheels {c}
IMAGE; deviantART
BRUSHES; pootato
IMAGE HOST; photobucket
PHOTOSHOP; adobe photoshop 7.0