Tuesday, 19 February 2008

photos with relatives and cousins

my world's empty without u!

gifts received on v day

from jane.

from isaac.

from timo.

from ang hwee yee.

from mama.

from yijun.

from weikang.

my world's empty without u!

Wednesday, 13 February 2008


VIRGO - The Perfectionist
Dominant in relationships. Conservative. Always wants the last word. Argumentative. Worries. Very smart. Dislikes noise and chaos. Eager. Hardworking. Loyal. Beautiful. Easy to talk to. Hard to please. Ha rsh. Practical and very fussy. Often shy. Pessimistic.

SCORPIO - The Intense One
Very energetic. Intelligent. Can be jealous and/or possessive. Hardworking. Great kisser. Can become obsessive or secretive. Holds grudges. Attractive. Determined. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Romantic. Can be self-centered at times. Passionate and Emotional.

LIBRA - The Harmonizer
Nice to everyone they meet. Can't make up their mind. Have own unique appeal. Creative, energetic, and very social. Hates to be alone. Peaceful, generous. Very loving and beautiful. Flirtatious. Give in too easily. Procrastinators. Very gullible.

ARIES - The Daredevil
Energetic. Adventurous and spontaneous. Confident and enthusiastic. Fun. Loves a challenge. EXTREMELY impatient. Sometimes selfish. Short fuse. (Easily angered.) Lively, passionate, and sharp wit. Outgoing. Lose interest quickly - easily bored. Egotistical. Courageous and assertive. Tends to be physical and athletic.

AQUARIUS - The Sweetheart
Optimistic and honest. Sweet personality. Very independent. Inventive and intelligent. Friendly and loyal. Can seem unemotional. Can be a bit rebellious. Very stubborn, but original and unique Attractive on the inside and out. Eccentric personality.

GEMINI - The Chatterbox
Smart and witty. Outgoing, very chatty. Lively, energetic. Adaptable but needs to express themselves. Argumentative and outspoken. Likes change. Versatile. Busy, sometimes nervous and tense. Gossips. May seem superficial or inconsistent, but is only changeable. Beautiful physically and mentally.

LEO - The Boss
Very organized. Need order in their lives - like being in control. Like boundaries. Tend to take over everything. Bossy. Like to help others. Social and outgoing. Extroverted. Generous, warm-hearted. Sensitive. Creative energy. Full of themselves. Loving. D oing the right thing is important to Leos. Attractive.

CANCER - The Protector
Moody, emotional. May be shy. Very loving and caring. Pretty/handsome. Excellent partners for life. Protective. Inventive and imaginative.. Cautious. Touchy-feely kind of person. Needs love from others. Easily hurt, but sympathetic.

PISCES - The Dreamer
Generous, kind, and thoughtful. Very creative and imaginative. May become secretive and vague. Sensitive. Don't like details Dreamy and unrealistic. Sympathetic and loving. Kind. Unselfish. Good kisser. Beautiful.

CAPRICORN - The Go-Getter
Patient and wise. Practical and rigid. Ambitious. Tends to be good-looking. Humorous and funny. Can be a bit shy and reserved. Often pessimists. Capricorns tend to act before they think and can be unfriendly at times. Hold grudges. Like competition. Get what they want.

TAURUS - The Enduring One
Charming but aggressive. Can come off as boring, but they are not.. Hard workers. Warm-hearted. Strong, has endurance. Solid beings who are stable and secure in their ways. Not looking for shortcuts. Take pride in their beauty. Patient and reliable. Make great friends and give good advice. Loving and kind. Loves hard - passionate. Express themselves emotionally. Prone to ferocious temper-tantrums. Determined.. Indulge themselves often. Very generous.

SAGITTARIUS - The Happy-Go-Lucky
Good-natured optimist. Doesn't want to grow up (Peter Pan Syndrome). Indulges self. Boastful. Likes luxuries and gambling. Social and outgoing. Doesn't like responsibilities. Often fantasizes. Impatient. Fun to be around. Having lots of friends. Flirtatious. Doesn't like rules. Sometimes hypocritical. Dislikes being confined - tight spaces or even tight clothes. Doesn't like being doubted. Beautiful inside and out.

my world's empty without u!

Monday, 11 February 2008


first day bai nian.

second day also bai nian.

third day went sentosa with yangshuo ppl.suppose to meet at 10 at habourfront.den as usual i was late but i not the latest.weeta reached first den yijun den tricia den me den weikang, quanfeng and alvana came together.so we decided not to wait anymore so go kopitam cos qf wanna eat.den we went giant aka vivo mart to buy drinks.den yehan and junjie came.so we went take train in.surprisingly ms liu was early.she was already with mr yong in sentosa waiting for us.haha.(:

we play play play den xw and jaymond joined us later.yar.we play frisbee,volleyball,soccer,etc.lucky i was not being thrown into the water.haha.i was so dry.ms liu and mr yong went off earlier.

we play till like 4+ 5.den go wash up and go mama house for dinner.aud,sky,siying and wei qian joined us too.her house really got super alot of ppl.we play black jack.i din take any money out den i won money.won like 3+ den slowly lousy lousy till only left $0.30.haha.

den they all slowly one by one go home.all wanna stay overnight den all never stay in the end.but in the end left me qf and wk.den we play mahjong.we use chips to play for fun only la.so fun.super funny also.den i win the most.$3+.haha.den wk bankrupt.qf win little bit mama also.

so we play till 4am den we chat chat till 4.30 like that den they went off.so mama go bath and stuff den we go sleep.we chat for awhile den fall asleep.

fourth day wake up at 12+.den slack at mama house till like 5+.got lion dance at 1+.haha.so slack slack slack.den mama needa go watch movie den i follow their car to ps and i took shuttle bus back.

fifth day which is today.school starts.boring for the whole day.den got training.climb 2 laps of 2.got me,mama,yl,aaron,branson,yj,susu and ms liu.den ms liu treat us drink after that.haha.she went back staff room took a container of box out.haha.so cute.so we chat chat.so fun to chat with ms liu.so went bath after that den while waiting with mama for her mama den her kor came out.so awhile later mama board the car and her kor walk with me to take train.so chat chat again.(:

shall stop here.lazy to continue.

my world's empty without u!

Wednesday, 6 February 2008

balloon burst.

my world's empty without u!

Monday, 4 February 2008

wad's the meaning of my name?

What Kwek Jia Wen Means

You are a seeker of knowledge, and you have learned many things in your life.
You are also a keeper of knowledge - meaning you don't spill secrets or spread gossip.
People sometimes think you're snobby or aloof, but you're just too deep in thought to pay attention to them.

You are very charming... dangerously so. You have the potential to break a lot of hearts.
You know how what you want, how to get it, and that you will get it.
You have the power to rule the world. Let's hope you're a benevolent dictator!

You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone.
You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together.
At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.

You are fair, honest, and logical. You are a natural leader, and people respect you.
You never give up, and you will succeed... even if it takes you a hundred tries.
You are rational enough to see every part of a problem. You are great at giving other people advice.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.
You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.
You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.
You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.
You have the classic "Type A" personality.

You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.
You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.
You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.
What's Your Name's Hidden Meaning?

my world's empty without u!

Life is like a current.
When you faced resistance,
energy is dissipated and heat is generated.
despite all the resistance,
the current passes through the resistor unfaltered
and say 'iam still i'.

my world's empty without u!

let talk about fri first.

fri was always the slack-est day of the week.math tutorial mr ng go thru with us vectors cos that was our last tutorial before the lecture test.den mama send a paper over say 'u sad arh?SORRY.'i couldnt control myself and i just started laughing and lean on her arms.hahaha.see how cherish im.lol.bo liao la.den we chat thru writing and i ask for hug.haha.(:but i only received it before we start climbing during training.haha.someone was kinda jealous arh.hahah.

pe we did team bonding.play with the rope and low wall.den go bath den math lecture.before going in for lecture buy milk from the new cafe.den came along timothy and ha bought strawberry milk.me chocolate and mama strawberry too.den he ask if i want the curry puff.i was hungry so i took it.very nice.eating in lecture so more.haha.who cares.teacher never catch can liao.drink milk some more.some more i din bring my lecture book.haha.

after that was chem extra lesson.mdm wong din teach.she pick on ppl to teach.hahah.first was nash and so on.super funny lol.is like if u dunno how to do u can just pick on anyone to do.

after that went cp with mama to take her contact.den eat mos.

training start.quite slack cos din i din go do gym.haha.den after that went out for stairs.climb till legs super jelly la.i took 7 mins plus to climb 3x of 18 storeys.hmmm.got improvement this week.last week i dunno wad happen to me la.the last lap was just walking step by step up.was also chatting with that jun ting la.yar.

den p and vp and teachers talk.den do admin stuff.den go bath after that.bath till when i was changing the lights went out.sian.den when i just came out mama came in.lol.so den i went back to gallery first.told mama i come back later but i was lazy so din wanna walk.i also forgot that the light will went off.hahaha.so chat chat with cw.he idiot.

in toilet i ask mama if wanna go dinner den she say anything.but in the end i 'ps' her.cos dun wan lightbulb although yar.i went with waikit to kovan to join dengyao jackson branson and henry.the whole dinner was damn funny.cos got jackson.den he kept suaning dy till he got nothing to say.haha.chat chat chat till like 9.30 den they say wan go buy bubble tea so went off after buying buuble tea.

branson went train with me.i think he wanted to say or ask me things but my train came so i board it.so reached aunt house at 10 den go home.this is friday.

now sat which is yest.went out with mama amelia and weiling.met at bugis at 4.30.before meeting got scolded by aunty so abit bu shuang so dun wan tell mama where i go.

first saw diliang.den slow as we walk we saw alot of ppl like ms ou and adrain koe,amelia ex classmates,etc.we went shop shop buy buy try try.eat at the cafe den went off to ps.den saw izzy at espirit with her bf and frens.we stay in espirit for super long till it close.den went kfc cos weiling wanna eat.den went home.

dunno if i miss out anything.i think have but i also dunno wad.haha.nvm.that all den.

my world's empty without u!


It's been hell since you last left me -
Hey, show some love, you aint so tough
Come fill my little world right up, right up


*28 dec 1990
*an ex-odacian
*an outdoor coach
*a business management student.


*笨笨! and it's only 笨笨!
*red roses.
*vivo's roof (@night).




*red swatch watch.
*red polaroid camera.
*birthday chalet.
*someone that really love me.
*pretty and red havanas.
*pretty red canon camera.
*red whistle.
*go thailand, genting, hong kong and taiwan.
*naraya bag.
*e71 phone.
*pretty and sweet wallet.
*pretty red lappy
replaced by macbook pro.
*twilight series


*everyone's love care and concern


da dong.
felicia chin.
hwee yee(ang).
lin qiang.
20th odacians.
21st odacians.
22nd odacians.
pei qi(deiyi).
ting ting.
tuan jiaw.
wan ru.
wu zun.
ya lun.
yuan lin.



October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
March 2011


'[20 jun]_mervin, jun qiang and dennis(ak)'s big day.
'[19 jun]_kai vern and yongyi's big day.
'[12 jun]_bock leng's big day.
'[7 jun]_zaid's big day.
'[6 jun]_jervis' big day.
'[5 jun]_timothy chew's big day.

'[31 may]_szu hui's big day.
'[29 may]_branson's big day.
'[28 may]_sheena's big day.
'[24 may]_deng yao's big day.
'[23 may]_nicholas soon's big day.
'[16 may]_angeline's big day.
'[12 may]_alwin's big day.
'[10 may]_hoi hin's big day.
'[11 may]_gwen's big day.
'[2 may]_yue xing(ak) and zi xiang's big day.
'[1 may]_labour day.

'[28 apr]_jacky ong(ak).
'[20 apr]_rina's big day.
'[7 apr]_jo-pu and clement(sr)'s big day.
'[5 apr]_wanru's big day.
'[3 apr]_augustus' big day.
'[2 apr]_ms liu lijun's big day.
'[1 apr]_april fool day.

'[22 mar]_herman's big day.
'[16 mar]_eric's and truddy's big day.
'[15 mar]_how chuen's big day.
'[14 mar]_vincent's big day.
'[8 mar]_elgin's big day.
'[7 mar]_nian deng's big day.

'[28 feb]_guo xiang's big day.
'[25 feb]_yee ning's big day.
'[23 feb]_natalie's big day.
'[21 feb]_jocelyn's big day.
'[20 feb]_sheng gan's big day.
'[17 feb]_stephanie's, kang jie's & alexander's big day.
'[15 feb]_denzil's big day.
'[14 feb]_valentine day.
'[11 feb]_nicholas tay's & ruo shi's big day.
'[9 feb]_dawn's & xin hui's big day.
'[5 feb]_chiu mun's big day.
'[4 feb]_2nd day of chinese new year 初二.
'[3 feb]_1st day of chinese new year 初一.

'[28 jan]_♥mabel's & tuan jiaw's big day.
'[23 jan]_wai fun's big day.
'[22 jan]_kah boon's big day.
'[19 jan]_wei xiang's big day.
'[18 jan]_ching kheng's big day.
'[16 jan]_jung yi's big day.
'[11 jan]_isaac's big day.
'[10 jan]_sherwin's big day.
'[7 jan]_♥standly's big day.
'[1 jan]_constance and ophelia's big day.
'[1 jan]_new year day.

'[31 dec]_joel(sr)'s big day.
'[29 dec]_wei ling's big day.
'[28 dec]_my and shamsiah's big day.
'[25 dec]_merrry christmas.
[21 dec]_zi rong's big day.
'[20 dec]_diliang's big day.
'[16 dec]_chun wei and adele's big day.
'[15 dec]_darren(qtss) and nurisham's big day.
'[14 dec]_raymond(ak)'s big day.
'[13 dec]_yuan lin's big day.
'[11 dec]_lloyd's big day.
'[8 dec]_wei kang's big day.
'[7 dec]_dorcas' big day.
'[3 dec]_aaron's big day.

[29 nov]_shi qi's big day.
'[28 nov]_xiao gui's big day.
'[23 nov]_cythnia's big day.
'[20 nov]_kenneth teo's big day.
'[17 nov]_nigel tan(qtss)'s big day.
'[14 nov]_yijun's big day.
'[7 nov]_darren(sr)'s big day.
'[6 nov]_manpreet's big day.
'[5 nov]_ying xuan & ber's mum's big day.
'[4 nov]_mami's big day.
'[2 nov]_end of exams.

'[31 oct]_jin hao's big day & halloween & great eastern women 10k run 2010.
'[28 oct]_amelia's big day.
'[25 oct]_start of exams.
'[24 oct]_nike city race 2010.
'[18 oct]_shuling's big day.
'[13 oct]_wai kit's big day.
'[10 oct]_wu zhun's big day.
'[9 oct]_wan jun and nurul(ak)'s big day.
'[8 oct]_boon yen and fukie's big day.
'[7 oct]_mdm jess wong's big day.
'[6 oct]_ting ting's big day.
'[3 oct]_valerie's big day.
'[1 oct]_children's day.

'[26 sep]_su jun's big day.
'[25 sep]_brandon's big day.
'[23 sep]_jane's big day.
'[22 sep]_mid autumn festival.
'[21 sep]_enqi's big day.
'[20 sep]_glen's big day.
'[9 sep]_lin qiang's big day.
'[6 sep]_jin yuan's big day.
'[2 sep]_timothy han's big day.
'[1 sep]_teachers'day.

'[30 dec]_terry's big day.
'[26 aug]_mun yee's big day.
'[25 aug]_kellina's big day.
'[18 aug]_jiajia's big day.
'[14 aug]_ching yong and wei zhen's big day.
'[13 aug]_xinni's big day.
'[9 aug]_singapore's big day.
'[4 aug]_damian and daryl's big day.
'[2 aug]_ona's big day.
'[1 aug]_amanda's big day.

'[31 jul]_danny's big day.
'[30 jul]_jun hao, mong kheng and xiao zhu's big day.
'[25 jul]_victoria's big day.
'[18 jul]_hui shan's big day.
'[14 jul]_BTT.
'[12 jul]_timothy wan's big day.
'[9 jul]_wendy's big day.
'[6 jul]_nicole's big day.
'[5 jul]_youth day.
'[4 jul]_wan chin's big day.
'[3 jul]_sophia's big day.
'[2 jul]_susu's big day.
'[1 jul]_school starts.

'[20 jun]_mervin, jun qiang and dennis(ak)'s big day.
'[19 jun]_kai vern and yongyi's big day.
'[12 jun]_bock leng's big day.
'[7-8 jun]_woodlands ring pri6 day program.
'[7 jun]_zaid's big day.
'[6 jun]_jervis' big day.
'[5 jun]_timothy chew's big day.

'[31 may]_szu hui's big day.
'[30 may]_edwin(ak)'s big day.
'[29 may]_branson's big day.
'[28 may]_vesak day.
'[28 may]_sheena's big day.
'[25-27 may]_east spring sec2 YOG.
'[24 may]_deng yao's big day.
'[23 may]_2010 national vertical marathon.
'[23 may]_nicholas soon's big day.
'[16 may]_angeline's big day.
'[12 may]_alwin's big day.
'[10 may]_hoi hin's big day.
'[11 may]_mothers' day and gwen's big day.
'[5 may]_BTT.
'[2 may]_yue xing(ak) and zi xiang's big day.
'[1 may]_SAT.
'[1 may]_labour day.

'[28 apr]_jacky ong(ak).
'[22 apr]_bedok town booster.
'[20 apr]_rina's big day.
'[13-17 apr]_coaches nomadic.
'[8 apr]_deyi booster.
'[7 apr]_damai booster.
'[7 apr]_jo-pu and clement(sr)'s big day.
'[5 apr]_wanru's big day.
'[3 apr]_augustus' big day.
'[2 apr]_ms liu lijun's big day.
'[2 apr]_good friday.
'[1 apr]_april fool day.

'[24-26 mar]_bedok town sec3 nomadic (tanjung sutera).
'[22 mar]_herman's big day.
'[16 mar]_eric's and truddy's big day.
'[15 mar]_how chuen's big day.
'[14 mar]_vincent's big day.
'[10-12 mar]_damai sec3 LIVE OP.
'[8 mar]_elgin's big day.
'[7 mar]_nian deng's big day.
'[3-5 mar]_deyi sec3 LIVE OP.

'[28 feb]_guo xiang's big day.
'[25 feb]_yee ning's big day.
'[24-26 feb]_east spring pri5 YOG.
'[23 feb]_natalie's big day.
'[21 feb]_jocelyn's big day.
'[20 feb]_sheng gan's big day.
'[17 feb]_stephanie's, kang jie's & alexander's big day.
'[15 feb]_denzil's big day.
'[15 feb]_2nd day of chinese new year 初二.
'[14 feb]_1st day of chinese new year 初一.
'[14 feb]_valentine day.
'[11 feb]_nicholas tay's & ruo shi's big day.
'[9 feb]_dawn's & xin hui's big day.
'[5 feb]_chiu mun's big day.
'[3-5 feb]_junyuan pri5 SHSF.

'[28-29 jan]_junyuan pri6 day programme.
'[28 jan]_♥mabel's & tuan jiaw's big day.
'[23 jan]_wai fun's big day.
'[22 jan]_kah boon's big day.
'[20-27 jan]_bangkok.
'[19 jan]_wei xiang's big day.
'[18 jan]_ching kheng's big day.
'[16 jan]_jung yi's big day.
'[13-15 jan]_bowen sec3 LIVE OP.
'[11 jan]_isaac's big day.
'[10 jan]_sherwin's big day.
'[6-8 jan]_boon lay sec1 OUTERSPACE.
'[5 jan]_jurong west sec1 OUTERSPACE.
'[1 jan]_new year.

'[31 dec]_joel(sr)'s big day.
'[29 dec]_wei ling's big day.
'[28 dec]_my big day.
'[25 dec]_merrry christmas.
'[21 dec]_zi rong's big day.
'[20 dec]_diliang's big day.
'[16 dec]_chun wei and adele's big day.
'[15 dec]_darren(qtss)'s big day.
'[14 dec]_raymond(ak)'s big day.
'[13 dec]_yuan lin's big day.
'[11-13 dec]_odac chalet.
'[11 dec]_lloyd's big day.
'[8 dec]_wei kang's big day.
'[7 dec]_dorcas' big day.
'[6 dec]_standard chartered marathon.
'[5 dec]_malacca trip.
'[3 dec]_aaron's big day.

'[30 nov]_end of As.
'[29 nov]_shi qi's big day.
'[28 nov]_xiao gui's big day.
'[23 nov]_cythnia's big day.
'[20 nov]_kenneth teo's big day.
'[17 nov]_nigel tan(qtss)'s big day.
'[14 nov]_yijun's big day.
'[10 nov]_start of As.
'[7 nov]_darren(sr)'s big day.
'[6 nov]_manpreet's big day.
'[5 nov]_ying xuan & ber's mum's big day.
'[4 nov]_mami's big day.

'[31 oct]_jin hao's big day.
'[28 oct]_amelia's big day.
'[23 oct]_grad day.
'[13 oct]_wai kit's big day.
'[10 oct]_wu zhun's big day.
'[9 oct]_wan jun and nurul(ak)'s big day.
'[8 oct]_boon yen and fukie's big day.
'[7 oct]_mdm jess wong's big day.
'[6 oct]_ting ting's big day.
'[3 oct]_valerie's big day.
'[3 oct]_mooncake festival.
'[1 oct]_children's day.

'[26 sep]_su jun's big day.
'[23 sep]_jane's big day.
'[20 sep]_glen's big day.
'[9 sep]_lin qiang's big day.
'[6 sep]_jin yuan's big day.
'[2 sep]_timothy han's big day.
'[1 sep]_teachers'day.

'[30 dec]_terry's big day.
'[28 aug]_end of prelims.
'[26 aug]_mun yee's big day.
'[25 aug]_kellina's big day.
'[18 aug]_jiajia's big day.
'[17 aug]_start of prelims.
'[14 aug]_ching yong and wei zhen's big day.
'[13 aug]_xinni's big day.
'[9 aug]_singapore's big day.
'[7 aug]_sr thanks giving + national day celebration.
'[4 aug]_damian and daryl's big day.
'[2 aug]_ona's big day.
'[1 aug]_amanda's big day.
'[1 aug]_SR will run.

'[31 jul]_danny's big day.
'[30 jul]_jun hao, mong kheng and xiao zhu's big day.
'[25 jul]_victoria's big day.
'[18 jul]_hui shan's big day.
'[17 jul]_suresh jack's big day.
'[12 jul]_timothy wan's big day.
'[9 jul]_wendy's big day.
'[6 jul]_nicole's big day.
'[5 jul]_youth day.
'[4 jul]_SR college day.
'[4 jul]_wan chin's big day.
'[2 jul]_susu's big day.

'[20 jun]_mervin, jun qiang and dennis(ak)'s big day.
'[20 jun]_kai vern and yongyi's big day.
'[12 jun]_bock leng's big day.
'[6 jun]_jervis's big day.
'[5 jun]_timothy chew's big day.

'[31 may]_szu hui's big day.
'[30 may]_edwin(ak)'s big day.
'[29 may]_branson's big day.
'[28 may]_end of mye.
'[28 may]_sheena's big day.
'[24 may]_deng yao's big day.
'[23 may]_nicholas soon's big day.
'[18 may]_start of mye.
'[18 may]_a year had past.
'[10 may]_mothers' day and gwen's big day.
'[9 may]_vesak day.
'[1 may]_labour day.

'[24 apr]_sr olympics.
'[20 apr]_rina's big day.
'[15 apr]_sham's big day.
'[10 apr]_good friday.
'[7 apr]_jo-pu and clement(sr)'s big day.
'[3 apr]_augustus' big day.
'[2 apr]_ms liu lijun's big day.
'[1 apr]_april fool day.

'[23 mar]_school starts.
'[22 mar]_herman's big day.
'[16 mar]_eric's and truddy's big day.
'[15 mar]_how chuen's big day.
'[14 mar] vincent's big day.
'[9-11 mar]_LIVE OP camp with bedok south sec.
'[8 mar]_elgin's big day.
'[7 mar]_nian deng's big day.
'[6 mar]_release of A level results.

'[28 feb]_guo xiang's big day.
'[25 feb]_yee ning's big day.
'[23 feb]_natalie's big day.
'[21 feb]_jocelyn's big day.
'[20 feb]_sheng gan's big day.
'[17 feb]_stephanie's, kang jie's & alexander's big day.
'[15 feb]_denzil's big day.
'[14 feb]_valentine day.
'[11 feb]_nicholas tay's & ruo shi's big day.
'[9 feb]_dawn's & xin hui's big day.
'[8 feb]_National Vertical Marathon.
'[5 feb]_chiu mun's big day.
'[4-6 feb]_SUPER HERO SUPER FREN camp with woodlands ring pri

'[28 jan]_♥mabel's & tuan jiaw's big day.
'[27 jan]_2nd day of chinese new year 初二.
'[26 jan]_1st day of chinese new year 初一.
'[25 jan]_chinese new year eve.
'[23 jan]_wai fun's big day.
'[22 jan]_kah boon's big day.
'[19 jan]_wei xiang's big day.
'[18 jan]_ching kheng's big day.
'[16 jan]_jung yi's big day.
'[13-16 jan]_LIVE OP camp with shuqunites.
'[11 jan]_♥isaac's big day.
'[10 jan]_sherwin's big day.
'[9 jan]_enlistment day for iz,aaron,...
'[1 jan]_new year.


LAYOUT; headoverheels {c}
IMAGE; deviantART
BRUSHES; pootato
IMAGE HOST; photobucket
PHOTOSHOP; adobe photoshop 7.0