Monday, 29 October 2007

A level chinese.

wad a stupid and boring day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kill me.
im boring to death.
suddenly feel hungry.
but dun care.
lucky now can use com.

time to go watch my shows.
xiao zhu wo lai lo.

i dunno wad i talking.

my world's empty without u!

Saturday, 27 October 2007

commendation day.

class photos.

went eat pizza after that.(:

my world's empty without u!

Thursday, 25 October 2007

hanging around.

go school early today to for traffic duty.sian.wake up so

after that take results den can go home we went coffee shop eat.den dunno where to go."dunno who suggested to go tampines arh."hahaha.den walk around.after that when hougang to return dvd(as in mabel).den went sengkang for trying contacts(as in mabel too).i accompany her.

i got the prevaliage to take the first pic when her wearing with her contacts.(:here's some pics.(will upload later or on the next post.depend.)

at tampines toyrus.

construction workers.

at hougang mrt.

at compass ya kun.

guess wad i drinking?

my world's empty without u!

Tuesday, 23 October 2007

op now.

i want to no need to present.hahaha.(:good good.

my world's empty without u!

Monday, 22 October 2007

cant blame us for failing.

It's not the fault of the student if he/she fails, because in a year there is ONLY 365 days.Typical academic year for a student:

1. Sundays: 52 Sundays in a year, you know Sundays are for rest. [Days left 313.]

2. Summer holidays:50 where weather is very hot and difficult to study. [Days left 263.]

3. 8 hours daily sleep: 130 days GONE. [Days left 141.]

4. 1 hour for daily playing:(good for health) means 15 days. [Days left 126.]

5. 2 hours daily for food & other delicacies (chewing properly &swallowing):means 30days. [Days left 96.]

6. 1 hour for talking (man is a social animal):means 15 days. [Days left 81.]

7. Exam days: per year at least 35 days. [Days left 46.]

8. Quarterly, half yearly and festival(holidays): 40 days. [Days left 6.]

9. For sickness: at least 3 days. [Days left 3.]

10. Movies and functions: at least 2 days. [1 day left.]

11. That 1 day is your birthday.How can you study on that day?!?!?!?!?!?!

Balance =0"How can a student pass?????"
*Please pass this on and you will have good luck for your examinations through out your life studying =)

my world's empty without u!

3 shocks.

early in the morning went up with mabel to make announcement for the donation thingy.den after assembly check our overall marks outside LT4.den in the afternoon got op.WAD A DAY MAN!

but after all everything is fine.(:lucky lucky i dun have U for any subjects.hahah.all at least got a 4s, 1b, 1c and 1e.(:happy happy.feel so relieve now.(:

anyway there will many many things happening for this coming
-got supplementary lesson.
-got yangshuo trip.
-got three chalets. [one for current class, one for odac & one for sec class]
-got CIP for yangshuo.

there are more things to do i guess.have to buy zr and da present.(:still got more.cant remember who are they.hahaha.i'm so sorry.

oh yar.mama gave me this today.REDDY MUSHROOM!hehe.very cute right.

i always wanted this mushroom.or this kind i should say.THANKY SO MUCH FOR THIS.i'm so sorry for sat.i know kind of angry or something.ok.shall not remind u of this anymore.hahah.

let us just look ahead and wang qian chong.let the past be the past.(:

my world's empty without u!

Sunday, 21 October 2007

slacking day.

just finish watching the whole of tokyo juliet.(:can start on a new series of show again le.not sure which i will watch next.will update u again.(:

haven start memorising my script yet.have to go do so le.some more tomolo need to go up stage with mabel to made care.

my world's empty without u!

first visit to a malay family house.

met up with susu and the rest at bedok mrt at 3pm.suppose to wait for waikit but we went off first to her house.(:walk to bedok interchange and take 225(red) and two stops we got off the bus.we walked a distance to her house.both her parents were at home.there are food prepared for us.but i din eat.cos i ate before i went.(:oh i ate a brownie.quite nice.and drink dessert(longon).waikit and president came later.izzy, nadia, daphne, dy and waikit went off 4 me, fukie, mabel and president stay there till 5 plus like that.

so later i went shop shop with aunt at orchard.din buy anything at all.only bought some cookies from mark and spensor.

jus now chat with susu on the phone for awhile.hahaha.(:thanky to susu!muacks.

i felt so werid and bad today.

think i made someone angry or something.I'M SO SORRY.if can tell me wad's wrong so i will know why.if u dun feel like den that alright.

ok.i watching my show.dun wanna blog le.(:

my world's empty without u!

Friday, 19 October 2007


at vivo on hari raya.

outing to east coast.

my world's empty without u!

Thursday, 18 October 2007

bo liao.

da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da
de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de
da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da
de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de
da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da
de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de

my world's empty without u!

during pw lesson.

hahaha.shall just have a short tag.having pw lesson for 4 hours today sian.tiring sia.only got to watch one part of the tokyo juliet only.hai.ok.i go send jess wong the script go home den blog again.

my world's empty without u!

Tuesday, 16 October 2007

outing of only 7 odacians.

yest outing was so.....
lazy to stead the details.basically we cycled.den rained when we went to teh hawker to eat.when it was drizzling den we cycled back and returned the we went to wash up first.den they eat again.den go funland which is "fun".lol.slack this for awhile and yijun found his wallet went back to find.lucky the mac people picked it up.if not u should know decided to play pool so walk to parkway.they played for like two hours i went fish and co. for dinner.waited for sam to come.his sense of timing got prob den.we waited for him like 45 till super full and it was super cold more wearing tank top cold.den took 196 back.

as for today, nothing much.dun wan type liao.wan go watch my tokyo
by the way there are pics taken.back lazy to upload.should do it soon.(:

my world's empty without u!

Saturday, 13 October 2007

at vivo.

this morning woke up early and went jaymond's house to do till like 3 plus den he need to go meet someone so we left at 4.

i went to find mama they all at vivo.go shop shop buy clothes.i bought a blog den upload the pics.went to the roof of vivo to take fun and funny.all the pics will be uploaded on the next post.

den saw cm they all.not sure who he was with.think is the 4d'06 ppl.dunno la.hahaha.

still got more things to buy.maybe tomolo go shop shop again.(:

bb.going home.

my world's empty without u!

Friday, 12 October 2007

first training after promos.

ran five runs.den shuttle run five times.i paired with yijun.(:that's all.

no mood to

my world's empty without u!

Thursday, 11 October 2007

things to be done.

1. shopping for clothings.
2. having class and odac chalet.
3. having trainings.
[this will be tomolo] (:
4. watch movie especially horror ones at midnight.
5. maybe cut hair.
6. go cycling.
[this will be on the coming monday]( :
7. go play like crazy.
8. go out till late late.
9. go develop my photos.(:
[to little le, wait for more den go develop together.]
10. finish whatever shows that i haven finish watching.
[halfway thru, but still got alot more.]
11. go buy digital camera(must be red).
[din get to buy a red one but bought canon ixus 75] (:
12. go sun tanning.
13. go play beach volleyball.
14. let's have another odac outing for both j1 and 2.
[only got j1 on this coming monday.go ecp play.]
15. help mama finish her cross stitch.
[im halfway done]
16. go learn knitting.
[kind of know how to do liao.have to go buy thread and needle to try out.]
17. fix puzzle.but have to go buy.
18. fold a big box of stars for dunno who.or maybe myself.
[just started with a new packet.but only the second parket.]
19. shop for shoes or slippers.
[went to buy but no size.]

my world's empty without u!

math re-sitting.

yeah.yest never study chiong show.hahaha.i fnish watching shang du,kuai shang xue le.(:like got watch before the story but the name of the show dun sound familiar to me.but never mind.anyway also rent liao so just watch.(:hahaha.tonight should start to watch summer beach.(:

today re-sit math's so much easier than the first paper.(:will be able to score xing xin.(:

ok.time to go watch my show on youtube

my world's empty without u!

Tuesday, 9 October 2007


公主小妹 [romantic princess] is super nice a MUST watch show.(: monday got odac outing.go ecp to cycle.(:den maybe play till late late den go home.settle dinner outside too.cant wait for the day to come.(:

my world's empty without u!


wth.have to re-sit for h2 math promo time mood to study le mood to

my world's empty without u!

Monday, 8 October 2007

wad a boring day at botanic.

today no school but the pe department organised a outdaar pe for all the j1 at botanical garden.i was kind of late so took a cab down.

here's a pic before the thing starts.

sian.we only started for awhile and it started to we went to slack at the shelter.butt eh rain just doesnt stop .we spend nearly an hour there's just so waste of time lol.after sometime we shared the umbrella to go to our first task point and that was the only task that we have found and taken photo was a kiddy place but the things there were so's some pics.

under the shelter due to rain.

we in the kiddy toilet.

kiiddy cute.


den we waited and mr goh gave us to options he come find us or we go find we chose the first choice and he came to take our attendances.den we can go off.

so me and mabel took cab back to myhouse to change and bath.den at 3 we went take bus.alight in front of lucky went food court eat and went far east shop for like an hour plus only.wanted to buy my slippers but got no went home after that.dunno why we both felt so tired today.(:

my world's empty without u!

sunday out since 1pm.

yest went shopping with mabel, amelia and wei ling.actually wanted to go airport den we decided not to go went we were heading there so we got off at city hall and went suntec and marine.went marine first den go suntec buy doughnut from dough factory.the queue was that long after all.only like 10 mins and it's our turn.(:

den went orchard og to buy mabel's bro's op pants.den walk down to far east.quite tiring liao during that time.but still continue.amelia look for chair to sit when even she sees funny.

settle dinner at din tai feng.fist time eat xiao long bao nice.put the whole bao in ur mouth and bite it.wah!the soup just flow out of the bao.shuang!eat till very full sia.but very nice.the shrimp egg fried rice also very nice.still got the hot and spicy soup and the shrimp pork wantin soup.all so nice.we spend more than 50 bucks so we had a free called xue like mua ji and ye si(coconut) covering the out layer.nice nice.

some pics of the food ate for dinner.

im eating xue yuan.

i got xue yuan eyes.

mabel and me in the toilet.

mabel,me,weiling,amelia in the toilet.

my world's empty without u!

Saturday, 6 October 2007


bought this from previous thots.

nice?so cute.quite cheap.only $12.90.hahaha.

eat alot for lunch so dinner din really eat.went to running at the park just now.shuai.ran 4 rounds.did some sit-ups and other stuff.

oh some shows to watch.hahah.good good good.(:can chiong show liao.shuai.

my world's empty without u!

lunch and clothes!

wah.spend 60 plus yesterday on clothes and lunch.(:but so shuai.hahaha.

went pastamania to spicy chicken mushroom garlic banan coke.(:hahaha.nice nice nice.shuai.

peas found in our pasta.eee!

haha.i so busy sia.

so after eating,shopping time.(:i bought a belt, a super short skirt and 3 top.

of all the top i love this the most.(:

lucky mama never say anything.hahahaha.going town tomolo.but dun think will buy anything.

my world's empty without u!

It's been hell since you last left me -
Hey, show some love, you aint so tough
Come fill my little world right up, right up


*28 dec 1990
*an ex-odacian
*an outdoor coach
*a business management student.


*笨笨! and it's only 笨笨!
*red roses.
*vivo's roof (@night).




*red swatch watch.
*red polaroid camera.
*birthday chalet.
*someone that really love me.
*pretty and red havanas.
*pretty red canon camera.
*red whistle.
*go thailand, genting, hong kong and taiwan.
*naraya bag.
*e71 phone.
*pretty and sweet wallet.
*pretty red lappy
replaced by macbook pro.
*twilight series


*everyone's love care and concern


da dong.
felicia chin.
hwee yee(ang).
lin qiang.
20th odacians.
21st odacians.
22nd odacians.
pei qi(deiyi).
ting ting.
tuan jiaw.
wan ru.
wu zun.
ya lun.
yuan lin.



October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
March 2011


'[20 jun]_mervin, jun qiang and dennis(ak)'s big day.
'[19 jun]_kai vern and yongyi's big day.
'[12 jun]_bock leng's big day.
'[7 jun]_zaid's big day.
'[6 jun]_jervis' big day.
'[5 jun]_timothy chew's big day.

'[31 may]_szu hui's big day.
'[29 may]_branson's big day.
'[28 may]_sheena's big day.
'[24 may]_deng yao's big day.
'[23 may]_nicholas soon's big day.
'[16 may]_angeline's big day.
'[12 may]_alwin's big day.
'[10 may]_hoi hin's big day.
'[11 may]_gwen's big day.
'[2 may]_yue xing(ak) and zi xiang's big day.
'[1 may]_labour day.

'[28 apr]_jacky ong(ak).
'[20 apr]_rina's big day.
'[7 apr]_jo-pu and clement(sr)'s big day.
'[5 apr]_wanru's big day.
'[3 apr]_augustus' big day.
'[2 apr]_ms liu lijun's big day.
'[1 apr]_april fool day.

'[22 mar]_herman's big day.
'[16 mar]_eric's and truddy's big day.
'[15 mar]_how chuen's big day.
'[14 mar]_vincent's big day.
'[8 mar]_elgin's big day.
'[7 mar]_nian deng's big day.

'[28 feb]_guo xiang's big day.
'[25 feb]_yee ning's big day.
'[23 feb]_natalie's big day.
'[21 feb]_jocelyn's big day.
'[20 feb]_sheng gan's big day.
'[17 feb]_stephanie's, kang jie's & alexander's big day.
'[15 feb]_denzil's big day.
'[14 feb]_valentine day.
'[11 feb]_nicholas tay's & ruo shi's big day.
'[9 feb]_dawn's & xin hui's big day.
'[5 feb]_chiu mun's big day.
'[4 feb]_2nd day of chinese new year 初二.
'[3 feb]_1st day of chinese new year 初一.

'[28 jan]_♥mabel's & tuan jiaw's big day.
'[23 jan]_wai fun's big day.
'[22 jan]_kah boon's big day.
'[19 jan]_wei xiang's big day.
'[18 jan]_ching kheng's big day.
'[16 jan]_jung yi's big day.
'[11 jan]_isaac's big day.
'[10 jan]_sherwin's big day.
'[7 jan]_♥standly's big day.
'[1 jan]_constance and ophelia's big day.
'[1 jan]_new year day.

'[31 dec]_joel(sr)'s big day.
'[29 dec]_wei ling's big day.
'[28 dec]_my and shamsiah's big day.
'[25 dec]_merrry christmas.
[21 dec]_zi rong's big day.
'[20 dec]_diliang's big day.
'[16 dec]_chun wei and adele's big day.
'[15 dec]_darren(qtss) and nurisham's big day.
'[14 dec]_raymond(ak)'s big day.
'[13 dec]_yuan lin's big day.
'[11 dec]_lloyd's big day.
'[8 dec]_wei kang's big day.
'[7 dec]_dorcas' big day.
'[3 dec]_aaron's big day.

[29 nov]_shi qi's big day.
'[28 nov]_xiao gui's big day.
'[23 nov]_cythnia's big day.
'[20 nov]_kenneth teo's big day.
'[17 nov]_nigel tan(qtss)'s big day.
'[14 nov]_yijun's big day.
'[7 nov]_darren(sr)'s big day.
'[6 nov]_manpreet's big day.
'[5 nov]_ying xuan & ber's mum's big day.
'[4 nov]_mami's big day.
'[2 nov]_end of exams.

'[31 oct]_jin hao's big day & halloween & great eastern women 10k run 2010.
'[28 oct]_amelia's big day.
'[25 oct]_start of exams.
'[24 oct]_nike city race 2010.
'[18 oct]_shuling's big day.
'[13 oct]_wai kit's big day.
'[10 oct]_wu zhun's big day.
'[9 oct]_wan jun and nurul(ak)'s big day.
'[8 oct]_boon yen and fukie's big day.
'[7 oct]_mdm jess wong's big day.
'[6 oct]_ting ting's big day.
'[3 oct]_valerie's big day.
'[1 oct]_children's day.

'[26 sep]_su jun's big day.
'[25 sep]_brandon's big day.
'[23 sep]_jane's big day.
'[22 sep]_mid autumn festival.
'[21 sep]_enqi's big day.
'[20 sep]_glen's big day.
'[9 sep]_lin qiang's big day.
'[6 sep]_jin yuan's big day.
'[2 sep]_timothy han's big day.
'[1 sep]_teachers'day.

'[30 dec]_terry's big day.
'[26 aug]_mun yee's big day.
'[25 aug]_kellina's big day.
'[18 aug]_jiajia's big day.
'[14 aug]_ching yong and wei zhen's big day.
'[13 aug]_xinni's big day.
'[9 aug]_singapore's big day.
'[4 aug]_damian and daryl's big day.
'[2 aug]_ona's big day.
'[1 aug]_amanda's big day.

'[31 jul]_danny's big day.
'[30 jul]_jun hao, mong kheng and xiao zhu's big day.
'[25 jul]_victoria's big day.
'[18 jul]_hui shan's big day.
'[14 jul]_BTT.
'[12 jul]_timothy wan's big day.
'[9 jul]_wendy's big day.
'[6 jul]_nicole's big day.
'[5 jul]_youth day.
'[4 jul]_wan chin's big day.
'[3 jul]_sophia's big day.
'[2 jul]_susu's big day.
'[1 jul]_school starts.

'[20 jun]_mervin, jun qiang and dennis(ak)'s big day.
'[19 jun]_kai vern and yongyi's big day.
'[12 jun]_bock leng's big day.
'[7-8 jun]_woodlands ring pri6 day program.
'[7 jun]_zaid's big day.
'[6 jun]_jervis' big day.
'[5 jun]_timothy chew's big day.

'[31 may]_szu hui's big day.
'[30 may]_edwin(ak)'s big day.
'[29 may]_branson's big day.
'[28 may]_vesak day.
'[28 may]_sheena's big day.
'[25-27 may]_east spring sec2 YOG.
'[24 may]_deng yao's big day.
'[23 may]_2010 national vertical marathon.
'[23 may]_nicholas soon's big day.
'[16 may]_angeline's big day.
'[12 may]_alwin's big day.
'[10 may]_hoi hin's big day.
'[11 may]_mothers' day and gwen's big day.
'[5 may]_BTT.
'[2 may]_yue xing(ak) and zi xiang's big day.
'[1 may]_SAT.
'[1 may]_labour day.

'[28 apr]_jacky ong(ak).
'[22 apr]_bedok town booster.
'[20 apr]_rina's big day.
'[13-17 apr]_coaches nomadic.
'[8 apr]_deyi booster.
'[7 apr]_damai booster.
'[7 apr]_jo-pu and clement(sr)'s big day.
'[5 apr]_wanru's big day.
'[3 apr]_augustus' big day.
'[2 apr]_ms liu lijun's big day.
'[2 apr]_good friday.
'[1 apr]_april fool day.

'[24-26 mar]_bedok town sec3 nomadic (tanjung sutera).
'[22 mar]_herman's big day.
'[16 mar]_eric's and truddy's big day.
'[15 mar]_how chuen's big day.
'[14 mar]_vincent's big day.
'[10-12 mar]_damai sec3 LIVE OP.
'[8 mar]_elgin's big day.
'[7 mar]_nian deng's big day.
'[3-5 mar]_deyi sec3 LIVE OP.

'[28 feb]_guo xiang's big day.
'[25 feb]_yee ning's big day.
'[24-26 feb]_east spring pri5 YOG.
'[23 feb]_natalie's big day.
'[21 feb]_jocelyn's big day.
'[20 feb]_sheng gan's big day.
'[17 feb]_stephanie's, kang jie's & alexander's big day.
'[15 feb]_denzil's big day.
'[15 feb]_2nd day of chinese new year 初二.
'[14 feb]_1st day of chinese new year 初一.
'[14 feb]_valentine day.
'[11 feb]_nicholas tay's & ruo shi's big day.
'[9 feb]_dawn's & xin hui's big day.
'[5 feb]_chiu mun's big day.
'[3-5 feb]_junyuan pri5 SHSF.

'[28-29 jan]_junyuan pri6 day programme.
'[28 jan]_♥mabel's & tuan jiaw's big day.
'[23 jan]_wai fun's big day.
'[22 jan]_kah boon's big day.
'[20-27 jan]_bangkok.
'[19 jan]_wei xiang's big day.
'[18 jan]_ching kheng's big day.
'[16 jan]_jung yi's big day.
'[13-15 jan]_bowen sec3 LIVE OP.
'[11 jan]_isaac's big day.
'[10 jan]_sherwin's big day.
'[6-8 jan]_boon lay sec1 OUTERSPACE.
'[5 jan]_jurong west sec1 OUTERSPACE.
'[1 jan]_new year.

'[31 dec]_joel(sr)'s big day.
'[29 dec]_wei ling's big day.
'[28 dec]_my big day.
'[25 dec]_merrry christmas.
'[21 dec]_zi rong's big day.
'[20 dec]_diliang's big day.
'[16 dec]_chun wei and adele's big day.
'[15 dec]_darren(qtss)'s big day.
'[14 dec]_raymond(ak)'s big day.
'[13 dec]_yuan lin's big day.
'[11-13 dec]_odac chalet.
'[11 dec]_lloyd's big day.
'[8 dec]_wei kang's big day.
'[7 dec]_dorcas' big day.
'[6 dec]_standard chartered marathon.
'[5 dec]_malacca trip.
'[3 dec]_aaron's big day.

'[30 nov]_end of As.
'[29 nov]_shi qi's big day.
'[28 nov]_xiao gui's big day.
'[23 nov]_cythnia's big day.
'[20 nov]_kenneth teo's big day.
'[17 nov]_nigel tan(qtss)'s big day.
'[14 nov]_yijun's big day.
'[10 nov]_start of As.
'[7 nov]_darren(sr)'s big day.
'[6 nov]_manpreet's big day.
'[5 nov]_ying xuan & ber's mum's big day.
'[4 nov]_mami's big day.

'[31 oct]_jin hao's big day.
'[28 oct]_amelia's big day.
'[23 oct]_grad day.
'[13 oct]_wai kit's big day.
'[10 oct]_wu zhun's big day.
'[9 oct]_wan jun and nurul(ak)'s big day.
'[8 oct]_boon yen and fukie's big day.
'[7 oct]_mdm jess wong's big day.
'[6 oct]_ting ting's big day.
'[3 oct]_valerie's big day.
'[3 oct]_mooncake festival.
'[1 oct]_children's day.

'[26 sep]_su jun's big day.
'[23 sep]_jane's big day.
'[20 sep]_glen's big day.
'[9 sep]_lin qiang's big day.
'[6 sep]_jin yuan's big day.
'[2 sep]_timothy han's big day.
'[1 sep]_teachers'day.

'[30 dec]_terry's big day.
'[28 aug]_end of prelims.
'[26 aug]_mun yee's big day.
'[25 aug]_kellina's big day.
'[18 aug]_jiajia's big day.
'[17 aug]_start of prelims.
'[14 aug]_ching yong and wei zhen's big day.
'[13 aug]_xinni's big day.
'[9 aug]_singapore's big day.
'[7 aug]_sr thanks giving + national day celebration.
'[4 aug]_damian and daryl's big day.
'[2 aug]_ona's big day.
'[1 aug]_amanda's big day.
'[1 aug]_SR will run.

'[31 jul]_danny's big day.
'[30 jul]_jun hao, mong kheng and xiao zhu's big day.
'[25 jul]_victoria's big day.
'[18 jul]_hui shan's big day.
'[17 jul]_suresh jack's big day.
'[12 jul]_timothy wan's big day.
'[9 jul]_wendy's big day.
'[6 jul]_nicole's big day.
'[5 jul]_youth day.
'[4 jul]_SR college day.
'[4 jul]_wan chin's big day.
'[2 jul]_susu's big day.

'[20 jun]_mervin, jun qiang and dennis(ak)'s big day.
'[20 jun]_kai vern and yongyi's big day.
'[12 jun]_bock leng's big day.
'[6 jun]_jervis's big day.
'[5 jun]_timothy chew's big day.

'[31 may]_szu hui's big day.
'[30 may]_edwin(ak)'s big day.
'[29 may]_branson's big day.
'[28 may]_end of mye.
'[28 may]_sheena's big day.
'[24 may]_deng yao's big day.
'[23 may]_nicholas soon's big day.
'[18 may]_start of mye.
'[18 may]_a year had past.
'[10 may]_mothers' day and gwen's big day.
'[9 may]_vesak day.
'[1 may]_labour day.

'[24 apr]_sr olympics.
'[20 apr]_rina's big day.
'[15 apr]_sham's big day.
'[10 apr]_good friday.
'[7 apr]_jo-pu and clement(sr)'s big day.
'[3 apr]_augustus' big day.
'[2 apr]_ms liu lijun's big day.
'[1 apr]_april fool day.

'[23 mar]_school starts.
'[22 mar]_herman's big day.
'[16 mar]_eric's and truddy's big day.
'[15 mar]_how chuen's big day.
'[14 mar] vincent's big day.
'[9-11 mar]_LIVE OP camp with bedok south sec.
'[8 mar]_elgin's big day.
'[7 mar]_nian deng's big day.
'[6 mar]_release of A level results.

'[28 feb]_guo xiang's big day.
'[25 feb]_yee ning's big day.
'[23 feb]_natalie's big day.
'[21 feb]_jocelyn's big day.
'[20 feb]_sheng gan's big day.
'[17 feb]_stephanie's, kang jie's & alexander's big day.
'[15 feb]_denzil's big day.
'[14 feb]_valentine day.
'[11 feb]_nicholas tay's & ruo shi's big day.
'[9 feb]_dawn's & xin hui's big day.
'[8 feb]_National Vertical Marathon.
'[5 feb]_chiu mun's big day.
'[4-6 feb]_SUPER HERO SUPER FREN camp with woodlands ring pri

'[28 jan]_♥mabel's & tuan jiaw's big day.
'[27 jan]_2nd day of chinese new year 初二.
'[26 jan]_1st day of chinese new year 初一.
'[25 jan]_chinese new year eve.
'[23 jan]_wai fun's big day.
'[22 jan]_kah boon's big day.
'[19 jan]_wei xiang's big day.
'[18 jan]_ching kheng's big day.
'[16 jan]_jung yi's big day.
'[13-16 jan]_LIVE OP camp with shuqunites.
'[11 jan]_♥isaac's big day.
'[10 jan]_sherwin's big day.
'[9 jan]_enlistment day for iz,aaron,...
'[1 jan]_new year.


LAYOUT; headoverheels {c}
IMAGE; deviantART
BRUSHES; pootato
IMAGE HOST; photobucket
PHOTOSHOP; adobe photoshop 7.0